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/** Represents a single location in the source string. */
export class Pos {
	constructor(line /* Number */, column /* Number */) {
		this.line = line
		this.column = column

	/** Advance the pos by any character. */
	next(ch) {
		return ch === '\n' ? this.onNextLine() : this.onNextColumn()

	/** Poc after a newline. */
	onNextLine() {
		return new Pos(this.line + 1, StartColumn)

	/** Loc after a non-newline character. */
	onNextColumn() {
		return new Pos(this.line, this.column + 1)

	 * Undoes {@link onNextLine}.
	 * Only call this is you know this is not the first column.
	onPrevColumn() {
		return new Pos(this.line, this.column - 1)

	/** @override */
	toString() {
		return `${this.line}:${this.column}`

/** Range of text in the source string. */
export default class Loc {
	constructor(start /* Pos */, end /* Pos */) {
		this.start = start
		/** Beginning of text. */
		this.end = end
		/** End of text. */

	/** @override */
	toString() {
		return `${this.start}-${this.end}`

Loc consisting of the character at `pos`.
@param {Pos} pos
export function singleCharLoc(pos) {
	return new Loc(pos, pos.next('x'))

/** First line number for a source string; they start at 1. */
export const StartLine = 1

/** Fist column number for a line; they start at 0. */
export const StartColumn = 0

/** First {@link Pos} in a source string. */
export const StartPos = new Pos(StartLine, StartColumn)