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import trackEvent from "../events/track_event";

 * Use when you need to track a method call w/ the `trackEvent` utility.
 * The value returned will be passed as `data` to `trackEvent`.
 * If a function is used for the `trackingFn`, it must return an object w/ a `name`, and optional `data`
 * @param  {Function|String} trackingFn Either a function to build up the event data or a string event name.
 * @param  {Object} [options] An opject of options
 * @param  {Boolean} [options.sendReturnValue] Whether or not to send the return value as data
 * @return {Function} The decorator function
 * @example <caption>String Tracking</caption>
 * class Foo {
 *   @track("Button Clicked")
 *   buttonClicked() {
 *     // ...
 *     return { some: "data" };
 *   }
 * }
 * @example <caption>Function</caption>
 * import FooTracker from "./foo.tracker";
 * class Foo {
 *   @track(FooTracker.clicked)
 *   buttonClicked() {
 *     // ...
 *     return { some: "data" };
 *   }
 * }
 * // foo.tracker.js
 * export default function clicked(data) {
 *   // data = { some: "data" } 
 *   data.otherData = "other data";
 *   return { 
 *     name: "Button Clicked",
 *     data
 *   };
 * }
 * @example <caption>String Tracking w/ sendReturnValue false</caption>
 * class Foo {
 *   @track("Button Clicked").sendReturnValue(false)
 *   buttonClicked() {
 *     // ...
 *     return { some: "data" };
 *   }
 * }
function track(trackingFn, options={ sendReturnValue: true }) {
  let decorator = function(target, name, descriptor) {
    const hasDescriptor = typeof descriptor.value !== "undefined";
    const fn = hasDescriptor ? descriptor.value : target;

    function trackDecorator() {
      let fnReturnValue = fn.apply(this, arguments),
          value = null;
      if (options.sendReturnValue) {
        value = fnReturnValue;

      trackEvent(typeof trackingFn === "string" ? 
        Object.assign({ name: trackingFn, data: value }, options) : 
        trackingFn.apply(this, [value]));

      return fnReturnValue;

    if (hasDescriptor) {
      descriptor.value = trackDecorator;
    else {
      target = trackDecorator;

  decorator.sendReturnValue = function(value = true) {
    options.sendReturnValue = !!value;
    return this;

  return decorator;

export default track;