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import { splitQueryString } from "./splitQueryString.ts";
import { getQueryString } from "./getQueryString.ts";
import { seperateQueries } from "./seperateQueries.ts";

 * URL metadata
 * @interface
interface ParserURL {
  PathWithoutQueryString: string;
  QueryString: string;
  SeperatedQueries: string[];

 * Body parser for Terrier
 * @example
 * const parser = new Parser(req.url);
export class Parser {
   * URL metadata
   * @protected
  protected url: ParserURL;

   * Initiate the body parser with the request URL
   * @param url The request URL
  constructor(url) {
    const PathWithoutQueryString = splitQueryString(url);
    const QueryString = getQueryString(url);
    const SeperatedQueries = seperateQueries(QueryString);
    this.url = {

   * Get the query string from URL
   * @return {string} URL query string
  public getQueryString = () => {
    return this.url.QueryString;

   * Get the request URL without query string
   * @return {string} request URL without query string
  public getPathWithoutQuery = () => {
    return this.url.PathWithoutQueryString;

   * Get seperated raw queries
   * @return {array} Raw queries as array
  public getSeperatedQueries = () => {
    return this.url.SeperatedQueries;

   * Get the value of a query
   * @param query The query name you are looking for
   * @return {string} The value of query
  public getValue = (query: string) => {
    const vars = this.url.SeperatedQueries;
    for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      var pair = vars[i].split("=");
      if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == query) {
        return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
    return new Error(`Query ${query} not found`);