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import fs from "fs";
import vfs from "vinyl-fs";
import build from "./build";

export default class Kotori {
   * vinyl-fs.src() wrapper
   * @param {Globs} globs - takes a glob string or an array of glob strings
   * @returns {Stream} Readable stream
  src(globs) {
    return vfs.src(globs);

   * Operate on written data, then read the result of each file
   * @param {Object} config - Kotori config object (see: ./default-config.js)
   * @returns {Stream} Transform stream
  build(config) {
    return build(config);

   * vinyl-fs.dest() wrapper
   * @param {String} folder - takes a folder path
   * @returns {Stream} Readable/Writable stream
  dest(folder) {
    return vfs.dest(folder);