Home Identifier Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

should authenticate the user when returning from the OAuth gateway


should include the client ID


should include the redirect URI


should assign the authenticated flag


should assign the client ID


should assign the client secret


should assign the access token


should assign the redirect_url


should assign the API version


should assign the API protocol as HTTPS


should assign the hostname as "api.bufferapp.com"


should assign the host in the format "#{protocol}://#{hostname}"


should set the options to be passed to querystring.stringify()


should generate the OAuth client


should retrieve the Buffer configuration


should respond


should not throw an error


should use the GET method


should respond


should not throw an error


should use the POST method


should respond


should not throw an error


should associate the profiles with the client


should instantiate each profile with the Profile object


should respond


should retrieve the list of profiles


should copy the parameters from the full object to the empty object


should randomise the order of the array


should assign the updates object structure


should be able to be instantiated with a profile ID


should be able to be instantiated with a profile object


should retrieve the pending update list


should retrieve the sent update list


should not throw an error


should associate the pending updates with the profile


should instantiate each update with the Update object


should not throw an error


should associate the sent updates with the profile


should instantiate each update with the Update object


should not throw an error


should associate the schedules with the profile


should not throw an error


should update the schedules associated with the profile


should not throw an error


should not throw an error


should return successful


should be able to be instantiated with an update ID


should be able to be instantiated with an update object


should not throw an error


should assign the saved ID to the Update object


should not throw an error


should add an attribute to flag the update as destroyed


should not throw an error


should change edit the update object to reflect the new values


should not throw an error


should retrieve the shared update and map it to the current object


should not throw an error


should not throw an error
