Home Identifier Source Test Repository


import utils from '../utils';
import Promise from 'promise';

export default class Update {
	constructor (update) {
		this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			if (typeof(update) === 'string') {
				// Instantiating the update from an ID
				this.getByID(update, function (err, res) {
			} else {
				// Instantiating the update from an object
		}).then((update) => {
			// Map the update to this object
			utils.mapObject(this, update);

	 * Retrieves a singular update with a given ID
	 * @param  {Integer}  update_id - The ID of the update to retrieve
	 * @param  {Function} callback  - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	getByID (update_id, callback) {
		_bufferAPI.get(`updates/${update_id}.json`, callback);

	 * Updates the current status update on the API, then modifies the object to match the edit
	 * @param  {Object}   params   - The parameters to update
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	edit (params, callback) {
		this.promise.then(() => {
			_bufferAPI.post(`updates/${this.id}/update.json`, {
				text:         params.text         || this.text,
				now:          params.now          || this.now,
				media:        params.media        || this.media,
				utc:          params.utc          || false,
				scheduled_at: params.scheduled_at || this.scheduled_at
			}, (err, res) => {
				if (!err) {
					utils.mapObject(this, res.update);

				callback(err, res);

	 * Saves a status update to the user's buffer
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	save (callback = function () {}) {
		this.promise.then(() => {
			_bufferAPI.post('updates/create.json', {
				profile_ids:  this.profile_ids,
				text:         this.text,
				shorten:      this.shorten,
				now:          this.now,
				top:          this.top,
				media:        this.media,
				attachment:   this.attachment,
				scheduled_at: this.scheduled_at
			}, (err, res) => {
				if (!err && res.updates) {
					utils.mapObject(this, res.updates[0]);

				callback(err, res);

	 * Deletes a status update from the user's buffer
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	destroy (callback = function () {}) {
		this.promise.then(() => {
			_bufferAPI.post(`updates/${this.id}/destroy.json`, (err, res) => {
				if (!err) {
					// TODO:
					// There's probably a better way of doing this...
					// Ideally it wants to be scrubbed from the profile it's assigned to,
					// and the instance destroyed
					this.destroyed = true;

				callback(err, res);

	 * Instantly shares an update to the selected account
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	share (callback = function () {}) {
		_bufferAPI.post(`updates/${this.id}/share.json`, (err, res) => {
			if (!err) {
				// The update object will have changed upon sharing, so map it
				this.getByID(this.id, (err, res) => {
					if (!err) {
						utils.mapObject(this, res);
						callback(err, res);

	 * Gets interactions (e.g. retweets) from an update with a given ID
	 * @param  {Object}   params   - A list of params to be appended to the URL.
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	getInteractions (event, params, callback) {
		_bufferAPI.post(`updates/${this.id}/interactions.json`, {
			event: event,
			page:  params.page  || null,
			count: params.count || null
		}, callback);

	 * Moves the current update to the top of the Buffer queue
	 * @param  {Function} callback - The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled
	moveToTop (callback) {
		_bufferAPI.post(`updates/${this.id}/move_to_top.json`, callback);