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import BufferClient from 'buffer-node-api/src/client.js'
public class | source


Static Method Summary

Static Public Methods
public static

getAuthorizationUrl(client_id: String, redirect_url: String): *

Gets the authorization URL for the current app

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(params: String, callback: Function)

Builds the BufferClient class

Member Summary

Public Members

The OAuth2 client that will be used to automatically authenticate API URLs


The Buffer configuration retrieved from the /info/configuration.json endpoint


A promise that will return after the BufferClient instance has been built

Method Summary

Public Methods

Revokes access for the Buffer Client to access the API on behalf of the currently logged in user


get(endpoint: String, params: Object, callback: Function)

Queries an API endpoint using the GET method


getAccessToken(access_token: String, callback: Function)

Gets a permanent access token when authenticating the user.


Retrieves the current Buffer configuration


getProfile(profile_id: String): Object

Returns a profile object with a given ID.


getProfiles(callback: Function)

Gets a list of profiles associated with the authenticated user


post(endpoint: String, params: Object, callback: Function)

Queries an API endpoint using the POST method

Static Public Methods

public static getAuthorizationUrl(client_id: String, redirect_url: String): * source

Gets the authorization URL for the current app


client_id String

The client ID you were assigned when registering your Buffer application

redirect_url String

The redirect URL you set when registering your Buffer application



Public Constructors

public constructor(params: String, callback: Function) source

Builds the BufferClient class


params String

The access token associated with the registered app

params.authenticated Boolean
  • optional

Flag to determine whether the user has been authenticated or not. If false, a long-lived access token will be generated and assigned upon instantiation.

params.client_id String

The client ID of your Buffer application

params.client_secret String

The client secret of your Buffer application

params.access_token String

The access token for the user. If the authentication parameter is false, this will be overwritten by the getAccessToken method.

params.redirect_url String

The redirection URL for your Buffer application

callback Function
  • optional

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled


Simple instantiation, no authentication needed. E.g. for a user that has already authenticated their account
new BufferClient({
  access_token: '<your_access_token>',
  client_id: '<your_client_id>',
  client_secret: '<your_client_secret>',
  redirect_url: '<your_redirection_url>'
Force access_token generation with the `authentication` flag
new BufferClient({
  access_token: '<your_access_token>',
  client_id: '<your_client_id>',
  client_secret: '<your_client_secret>',
  redirect_url: '<your_redirection_url>',
  authenticated: false
}, function (err, res) {
  // Do something here

Public Members

public client: Object source

The OAuth2 client that will be used to automatically authenticate API URLs

public config: Object source

The Buffer configuration retrieved from the /info/configuration.json endpoint

public promise: Promise source

A promise that will return after the BufferClient instance has been built

Public Methods

public deauthorizeUser(callback: Function) source

Revokes access for the Buffer Client to access the API on behalf of the currently logged in user


callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled

public get(endpoint: String, params: Object, callback: Function) source

Queries an API endpoint using the GET method


endpoint String

The API endpoint to query. This should not be the full API URL. Example: 'users.json'

params Object

A list of params to be appended to the URL. If omitted, the default Buffer API attributes will be used.

callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled


Using the optional `params` parameter:
this.get('profiles/4eb854340acb04e870000010/updates/sent.json', {
	page: 2,
	count: 100
}, function (err, res) {
	// Do something
Omitting the optional `params` parameter
this.get('profiles/4eb854340acb04e870000010/updates/sent.json', function (err, res) {
	// Do something

public getAccessToken(access_token: String, callback: Function) source

Gets a permanent access token when authenticating the user.


access_token String

The temporary access token assigned when passing through the OAuth gateway

callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled

public getConfiguration(callback: Function) source

Retrieves the current Buffer configuration


callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled


// ...
client.getConfiguration(function (err, res) {
  // Do something

public getProfile(profile_id: String): Object source

Returns a profile object with a given ID. Note that this does not query the API, so a list of profiles must have been retrieved beforehand.


profile_id String

The ID of the profile to retrieve



The queried profile object

public getProfiles(callback: Function) source

Gets a list of profiles associated with the authenticated user


callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled

public post(endpoint: String, params: Object, callback: Function) source

Queries an API endpoint using the POST method


endpoint String

The API endpoint to query. This should not be the full API URL. Example: 'users.json'

params Object

A list of params to be appended to the URL. If omitted, the default Buffer API attributes will be used.

callback Function

The callback to run when the request has been fulfilled


Using the optional `params` parameter:
this.post('profiles/4eb854340acb04e870000010/schedules/update.json', { ... }, function (err, res) {
	// Do something
Omitting the optional `params` parameter
this.post('user/deauthorize.json', function (err, res) {
	// Do something