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import { map, merge, iterate, clone, contains } from './index';
import uri from 'valid-url';

 * This function _dereferences_ a schema set into one logical schema in
 * accordance with the IETF JSON Reference Draft v3 specification:
 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03
 * It allows for one to inject a schema resolution function in order to provide
 * it with referenced schema. This allows developers to be flexible in choosing
 * there schema sources such as HTTP or in-memory resolvers.
 * The dereference function also resolves JSON Pointers according to the IETF
 * RFC6901 specification:
 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
 * It does so internaly rather than through an external resolver in order to
 * remain efficient.
 * @param {Array|Object} schema A schema or array of schema to dereference.
 * @param {Object} resolve A function to resolve referenced schema by its id.
 * @return {Object} The dereferenced schema as an object.
const dereference = (schema, resolve = null) => {
  // If schema is an array we dereference each schema and then merge them from
  // right-to-left.
  if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
    // first validate our arguments assumption!
    schema.forEach((s) => {
      if (typeof s !== 'object' && !Array.isArray(s))
        throw new TypeError(`expect typeof object got: ${typeof s}`);

    // then dereference each schema in the array before eventually merging them
    // from right to left using a reducer function.
    return schema
      .map((s) => dereference(s, resolve))
      .reduce((accumulator, value) => merge(accumulator, value, true), {});
  // If schema is not an array of json objects we expect a singlular json schema
  // be provided
  else if (typeof schema === 'object' && !Array.isArray(schema)) {
    // traverse is an internal recursive function that we bind to this lexical
    // scope in order to easily resolve to schema definitons whilst traversing
    // an objects nested properties. This is primarily for efficiency concerns.
    const traverse = (node) => {
      let resolution = {};

      if (typeof node !== 'object' || node === null) return node;

      // if only one argument is provided and it is an array we must recursively
      // dereference it's individual values
      if (Array.isArray(node)) {
        return node.map((v) => traverse(v));

      // if we are here, the first argument is not an array or value and we expect
      // it to be a json schema.
      iterate(node, (key, value) => {
        // Skip the following properties
        if (key === 'definitions') return;

        // If value is not an array, object, or JSON schema reference we can
        // dereference it immediately. 'typeof array' equals 'object' in JS.
        if (typeof value !== 'object' && key !== '$ref') {
          resolution[key] = value;
        // If we have a schema reference we must fetch it, dereference it, then merge
        // it into the base schema object.
        else if (key === '$ref') {
          // We have two types of references - definitions which are defined
          // within the current schema and external schema references which we
          // have to query AJV for as such we must fetch the schema for the
          // reference appropriately.
          let reference = null;

          // de-reference a json uri
          if (uri.isUri(value)) {
            if (!resolve)
              throw new TypeError(
                'resolver function is required to dereference a json uri.')
            reference = resolve(value);

            if (!reference) throw new Error(`unable to resolve URI reference: ${value}`);

            resolution = merge(
              dereference(reference, resolve),
          // de-reference a json pointer
          else if (
            value.indexOf('#') === 0 ||
            value.indexOf('/') === 0 ||
            value === ''
          ) {
            const fragments = value.split('/');

            reference = fragments.reduce((acc, token) => {
              // when root document pointer return accumulator
              if (token === '#' || token === '/' || token === '')
                return acc;

              // decode token according to spec
              const refToken = token.replace('~1', '/').replace('~0', '~');

              let refValue = null;

              // if current accumulator is array we must dereference the array
              // index
              if (Array.isArray(acc)) {
                const index = parseInt(token, 10);

                if (!acc.indexOf(index))
                  throw new Error(`could not dereference array index ${value}`);

                refValue = acc[index];
              // otherwise we expect an object, validate reference token
              else {
                if (!contains(acc, refToken))
                  throw new Error(`could not dereference pointer ${value}`);

                refValue = acc[refToken];

              return refValue;
            }, schema);

            resolution = merge(
          else {
            throw new Error(
              `could not dereference value as a json pointer or uri: ${value}`);

          if (!reference)
            throw new ReferenceError(`could not find a reference to ${value}`);
        // Otherwise the value is an array or object and we need to traverse it
        // and dereference it's properties.
        else {
          resolution[key] = traverse(value);

      return resolution;

    return traverse(schema);
  // if any other combination of arguments is provided we throw
  else {
    throw new TypeError(`expected first parameter to be object or array: ${schema}`);

export default dereference;