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import SchQ from 'schq/src/src/index.js'
public class | source


SchQ is an event-scheduling pipeline that I’ve created to schedule d3 animations. It can also be used for preforming the same operation in any other sequence where controlling the order of events needs to be automatically canceled when the state of the application has changed.


// initialize SchQ
let config = {
   // schQ intentionally discards data when application state changes 
   // set lost data to the number of history items if you wish to track
   // that discarded data.
   lostData : 0,
   // a function to make a consistent array
   preprocess: (array) => {...do something},
   // what will happen last after sequence is done
   doLast: [[()=>console.log('done')]],
   // count items out for process
   checkout: (eachObject) => eachObject.opperation.length

let schQ = new SchQ(config);

// load data and a key
schQ.loader([[func,func],[func]], 'data');

// run
let subscriber = schQ.run();

// subcribe
  .subscribe(packet => {
    let {message, next, emitter} = packet;
    // key is 'data'
    // previous is any data returned from events if not the first event
    let {key, previous} = message;
    next.forEach(operationThen => {
      operationThen( previous, emitter.emit({key}) );

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(config: Object)

Method Summary

Public Methods

SchQ.emitter: give access to the emitter to hook an event from another API


loader(next: Array, key: String)

SchQ.loader: pushes data to the pipeline and gives the event listener a key to listen on.


run(): Observable

SchQ.run: creates the Observable scheduler sequence

Public Constructors

public constructor(config: Object) source


config Object
  • optional
  • default: baseSetting

Object of arguments

config.checkout Function
  • optional
  • default: checkout

how schQ know how many operations are outstanding before pushing the next event

config.doLast Function
  • optional
  • default: doLast

what is performed when all process are finished. i.e. default is () => {}

config.lostData Number
  • optional
  • default: 0

Set the number of lost data items to track for tests or have another use cases

config.preprocess Function
  • optional
  • default: preprocess

create a interable i.e. default is an Array of Arrays of Functions

Public Methods

public emitter(): Emitter source

SchQ.emitter: give access to the emitter to hook an event from another API



public loader(next: Array, key: String) source

SchQ.loader: pushes data to the pipeline and gives the event listener a key to listen on.


next Array

an Array of Arrays that pushes each nested array to the subscribe of the like a queue.

key String

This key is used to subscribe to an event before pushed down the pipeline. Once you subscribe to the pipeline this key will available via {}.message to emit on.

public run(): Observable source

SchQ.run: creates the Observable scheduler sequence



Observable on which to subscribe

Return Properties:

message Object

object of event key and previous events

message.key Object

key emitter is listening if on

message.previous Array | undefined

an array of previous events if not the first event, else undefined

next Object

the operation to perform

emitter Emitter

for emit