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 * @ignore
function baseDimensions(width, height, margintop, marginright, marginBottom, marginLeft) {
  var sizeObject = {

    margin : {
      top: margintop, 
      right: marginright,
      bottom: marginBottom,
      left: marginLeft

    width : width - marginLeft - marginright,

    height : height - margintop - marginBottom

  return sizeObject;

* dimensions: 
* Follows the general d3 sizing rules to make it easier to reason about
* the size and margins of the d3
* the goal is have a cleaner way of coding the absolute width and 
* the dimensions the graph will fall in.
* @param {Object} sizing - object of width, heigh, and margins
* @param {Object} sizing.width - total height
* @param {Object} sizing.height - total width
* @param {Object} [sizing.margin=0] - all margins
* @param {Object} sizing.margin.top - top margin
* @param {Object} sizing.margin.right - right margin
* @param {Object} sizing.margin.bottom - bottom margin
* @param {Object} sizing.margin.left - left margin
* @return {Object} - dimensions for d3 DOM object
* @example
* var SIZE = dimensions({
*     width : 600,
*     height : 500,
*     margin:{top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 10, left: 20}
* });
function dimensions(sizing) {
  var props = ['width', 'height', 'margin'];
  var dim = {};

  props.forEach(prop => {

    if (sizing.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

      dim[prop] = sizing[prop];

    } else {

      dim[prop] = undefined;

  if (dim['margin'] === undefined) {

    dim['margin'] = {
      top : 0,
      right : 0,
      bottom : 0,
      left : 0,

  return baseDimensions(

export default dimensions;