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* blankSVG: Creates a new, blank SVG to perform d3 methods on.
* @param {D3} d3local - d3 instance for your code
* @param {Object} size - dimensions of the chart
* @param {String} [select='body'] - the id or class of the DOM selection
* @return {D3Object} an Array that contains the update/enter methods
* @see {@link dimensions}
* @example
* import d3 from 'd3';
* var SIZE = dimensions({
*     width : 600,
*     height : 500,
*     margin:{top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 10, left: 20}
* });
* svg = new blankSVG(d3, SIZE, '#chart')

function blankSVG(d3local, size, select) {
  select = select !== undefined ? select : 'body';
  // console.log(select)
  return d3local.select(select)
      'width' : (
        + size.margin.left 
        + size.margin.right
      'height' : (
        + size.margin.top
        + size.margin.bottom
        'transform': 'translate(' 
          + size.margin.left 
          + ',' 
          + size.margin.top 
          + ')'

export default blankSVG;