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Description Identifier Count

calls chrome.alarms.create


calls chrome.alarms.clear with Promise


emits alarm event for chrome.alarms.onAlarm event


ignores chrome.alarms.onAlarm event with different name


returns version string from manifest


can import functions partially


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


returns loaded module


dispatches message to handler that returns a value


dispatches message to handler that returns resolved Promise


dispatches message to handler that returns rejected Promise


dispatches message to handler that returns no response


does not respond to invalid messages with warning log


does not respond to unknown message type


is bound version of #receive


defines send methods automatically


accepts Object for argument


sends message via chrome.runtime.sendMessage


rejects Promise when lastError is set


rejects Promise when response.error is set


defines send methods automatically


accepts Object for argument


sends message via chrome.tabs.sendMessage


rejects Promise when lastError is set


rejects Promise when response.error is set


calls openOptionsPage


opens a new tab of options page


activates options tab if exist


returns Promise version of async function


returns rejected Promise for chrome.runtime.lastError


returns rejected Promise when error is passed


dispatches message to handler that returns a value


dispatches message to handler that returns resolved Promise


dispatches message to handler that returns rejected Promise


dispatched message to handler that returns no response


does not respond to invalid messages with warning log


does not respond to unknown message type


defines send methods automatically


accepts Object for argument


sends message via postMessage


rejects Promise when response.error is set


rejects Promise when response has timed out


returns Promise of loaded values from sync storage


returns Promise of loaded value from sync storage


returns undefined for missing key


saves values into sync storage


saves value into sync storage


removes values from sync storage


clears all values in sync storage


returns Promise of loaded values from local storage


returns Promise of loaded value from local storage


returns undefined for missing key


saves values into local storage


saves value into local storage


removes values from local storage


clears all values in local storage


returns Promise of active tab


returns Promise of null when no active tab


calls given function with active tab


never calls given function when no active tab


returns Promise of tab of given ID


returns Promise of null when no tab of given ID


calls given function with tab of given ID


never calls given function when no tab of given ID


translates all keys in message


warns missing key


returns translation for given key


uses camel case version of given key


returns fallback for missing key


never returns fallback for existing key


passes substitutions to chrome.i18n.getMessage


warns missing key without fallback
