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import Modifier from 'famous/src/core/Modifier'
import RenderNode from 'famous/src/core/RenderNode'
import TransitionableTransform from 'famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform'
import EventHandler from 'famous/src/core/EventHandler'

import {simpleExtend} from './utils'

import 'army-knife/polyfill.Function.name'

 * Molecules are the basic building blocks of all UI components. Molecules
 * extend [famous/src/core/RenderNode](#famous/src/core/RenderNode), so they can be
 * added to any `RenderNode` of a famo.us render tree, and by default they will
 * also accept anything that a normal Famo.us `RenderNode` can accept via the
 * `add` method.  Classes that extend from `Molecule` might override
 * `RenderNode.add` in order to accept things like arrays of renderables in
 * stead of a single renderable.
 * Molecules encapsulate the basic things you need for a component -- a
 * [famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform](#famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform)
 * for positioning things in space, and a [famous/src/core/EventHandler](#famous/src/core/EventHandler)
 * for capturing user interaction -- exposing a unified API for working with these
 * things. For now, [famous/src/core/Modifier](#famous/src/core/Modifier) is used as the interface
 * for applying transforms and sizing, but this will change in Mixed Mode
 * Famo.us.
 * All components extend Molecule, but at the same time they can also use any
 * number of Molecules internally to do nice things like create layouts and
 * position multiple things in space.
 * @class Molecule
 * @extends {module: famous/src/core/RenderNode}
export class Molecule extends RenderNode {
     * Creates a new `Molecule` and applies `initialOptions` to it's internal
     * `famous/src/core/Modifier`. See [famous/src/core/Modifier](#famous/src/core/Modifier)
     * for details on what options you can pass.
     * Note: Mixed Mode Famo.us does away with Modifiers, so this API will
     * change slightly, but the change will be in such a way that APIs of
     * higher level classes won't change because of this. One of the biggest
     * changes in Mixed Mode will be that `size` will be set only on a
     * per-Surface basis as far as a render tree is concerned. So if you
     * normally put multiple `Surface` instances into a `Modifier` that has a
     * size, then instead you'll have to explicitly assign a `size` to each
     * `Surface`. This is a good thing, and makes for a cleaner and easier to
     * use render tree with a separation of concerns from classes that can
     * handle boundaries and group sizing. `Molecule` might then be an example
     * of such a class with it's own size API.
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} initialOptions The options to initialize this Molecule's `Modifier` with.
    constructor(initialOptions) {

        // "private" stuff. Not really, but regard it like so. For example, if
        // you see something like obj._.someVariable then you're accessing
        // internal stuff that wasn't designed to be accessed directly, and any
        // problem you enounter with that is your own problem. :)
        // TODO: Use a WeakMap to store these at some point.
        this._ = {
            options: {}, // set and get with this.options
            defaultOptions: {},

        // Add default values for this Molecule
        // TODO: Make default options static for the class.
        simpleExtend(this._.defaultOptions, {
            align: [0.5, 0.5],
            origin: [0.5, 0.5],
            transform: new TransitionableTransform(),
            handler: new EventHandler(),

        // set the user's initial options. This automatically creates
        // this.modifier, and adds it to this (don't forget, *this* is a
        // RenderNode, so a Molecule can add things to itself).
        // NOTE: this.options is a setter property. This statement applies all
        // relevant properties to this.modifier.
        this.options = initialOptions

     * @property {Object} options The Molecule's options, which get applied to
     * `this.modifier`. This may change with Mixed Mode. Setting this property
     * overrides existing options. To extend existing options with new options,
     * use `setOptions` instead.  Unspecified options will be set to their default
     * values.
     * Note: Anytime `this.options` is assigned a new value, `this.modifier` is set
     * to a new [famous/src/core/Modifier](#famous/src/core/Modifier).
    set options(newOptions) {
    get options() {
        return this._.options

     * @property {module: famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform} transform
     * The transform of this `Molecule`. The default is a
     * [famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform](#famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform).
     * Setting this property automatically puts the new transform into effect.
     * See [famous/src/core/Modifier.transformFrom](#famous/src/core/Modifier.transformFrom).
    set transform(newTransform) {
        this.setOptions({transform: newTransform})
    get transform() {
        return this.options.transform

     * Compounds `newOptions` into the existing options, similar to extending an
     * object and overriding only the desired properties. To override all
     * options with a set of new options, set `this.options` directly.
     * An example of setting just a single option without erasing other options:
     * ```js
     * const myMolecule = new Molecule()
     * myMolecule.setOptions({
     *   align: [0.2, 0.8]
     * })
     * ```
     * @param {Object} newOptions An object containing the new options to apply to this `Molecule`.
    setOptions(newOptions) {
        if (typeof newOptions == 'undefined' || newOptions.constructor.name != 'Object') newOptions = {}

        for (const prop in newOptions) {
            // Subject to change when Famo.us API changes.
            if (Modifier.prototype['' + prop + 'From']) {
                this.modifier['' + prop + 'From'](newOptions[prop])

            this._.options[prop] = newOptions[prop]

     * Sets all options back to their defaults.
     * Note: Anytime this is called, `this.modifier` is set to a new
     * [famous/src/core/Modifier](#famous/src/core/Modifier) having the default
     * options.
    resetOptions() {
        this.modifier = new Modifier()

     * Forwards events from this Molecule's [famous/src/core/EventHandler](#famous/src/core/EventHandler) to the given
     * target, which can be another `EventHandler` or `Molecule`.
     * This method is equivalent to [famous/src/core/EventHandler.pipe](#famous/src/core/EventHandler.pipe),
     * acting upon `this.handler`.
     * TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a `Molecule`, then stop doing `pipe(this._.handler)` in other places
    pipe() {
        const args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0)
        return this.options.handler.pipe.apply(this.options.handler, args)

     * Stops events from this Molecule's [famous/src/core/EventHandler](#famous/src/core/EventHandler)
     * from being sent to the given target.
     * This method is equivalent to [famous/src/core/EventHandler.unpipe](#famous/src/core/EventHandler.unpipe),
     * acting upon `this.handler`.
     * TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a `Molecule`, then stop doing `pipe(this.options.handler)` in other places
    unpipe() {
        const args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0)
        return this.options.handler.unpipe.apply(this.options.handler, args)

     * Register an event handler for the specified event.
     * See [famous/src/core/EventHandler.on](#famous/src/core/EventHandler.on).
    on() {
        const args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0)
        return this.options.handler.on.apply(this.options.handler, args)

     * Unregister an event handler for the specified event.
     * See [famous/src/core/EventHandler.off](#famous/src/core/EventHandler.off).
    off() {
        const args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0)
        return this.options.handler.on.apply(this.options.handler, args)
export default Molecule