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import {Molecule} from 'infamous/src/legacy/Molecule.js'
public class | source



module: famous/src/core/RenderNode → Molecule

Molecules are the basic building blocks of all UI components. Molecules extend famous/src/core/RenderNode, so they can be added to any RenderNode of a famo.us render tree, and by default they will also accept anything that a normal Famo.us RenderNode can accept via the add method. Classes that extend from Molecule might override RenderNode.add in order to accept things like arrays of renderables in stead of a single renderable.

Molecules encapsulate the basic things you need for a component -- a famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform for positioning things in space, and a famous/src/core/EventHandler for capturing user interaction -- exposing a unified API for working with these things. For now, famous/src/core/Modifier is used as the interface for applying transforms and sizing, but this will change in Mixed Mode Famo.us.

All components extend Molecule, but at the same time they can also use any number of Molecules internally to do nice things like create layouts and position multiple things in space.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(initialOptions: Object)

Creates a new Molecule and applies initialOptions to it's internal famous/src/core/Modifier. See famous/src/core/Modifier for details on what options you can pass.

Note: Mixed Mode Famo.us does away with Modifiers, so this API will change slightly, but the change will be in such a way that APIs of higher level classes won't change because of this.

Member Summary

Public Members
public set
public get

options: *

public set
public get
Private Members

_: {"options": *, "defaultOptions": *}

Method Summary

Public Methods

off(): *

Unregister an event handler for the specified event.


on(): *

Register an event handler for the specified event.


pipe(): *

Forwards events from this Molecule's famous/src/core/EventHandler to the given target, which can be another EventHandler or Molecule.

This method is equivalent to famous/src/core/EventHandler.pipe, acting upon this.handler.

TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a Molecule, then stop doing pipe(this._.handler) in other places


Sets all options back to their defaults.


setOptions(newOptions: Object)

Compounds newOptions into the existing options, similar to extending an object and overriding only the desired properties.


unpipe(): *

Stops events from this Molecule's famous/src/core/EventHandler from being sent to the given target.

This method is equivalent to famous/src/core/EventHandler.unpipe, acting upon this.handler.

TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a Molecule, then stop doing pipe(this.options.handler) in other places

Public Constructors

public constructor(initialOptions: Object) source

Creates a new Molecule and applies initialOptions to it's internal famous/src/core/Modifier. See famous/src/core/Modifier for details on what options you can pass.

Note: Mixed Mode Famo.us does away with Modifiers, so this API will change slightly, but the change will be in such a way that APIs of higher level classes won't change because of this. One of the biggest changes in Mixed Mode will be that size will be set only on a per-Surface basis as far as a render tree is concerned. So if you normally put multiple Surface instances into a Modifier that has a size, then instead you'll have to explicitly assign a size to each Surface. This is a good thing, and makes for a cleaner and easier to use render tree with a separation of concerns from classes that can handle boundaries and group sizing. Molecule might then be an example of such a class with it's own size API.


initialOptions Object

The options to initialize this Molecule's Modifier with.

Public Members

public modifier: * source

public set options source


options Object

The Molecule's options, which get applied to this.modifier. This may change with Mixed Mode. Setting this property overrides existing options. To extend existing options with new options, use setOptions instead. Unspecified options will be set to their default values.

Note: Anytime this.options is assigned a new value, this.modifier is set to a new famous/src/core/Modifier.

public get options: * source

public set transform source


transform module: famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform

The transform of this Molecule. The default is a famous/src/transitions/TransitionableTransform. Setting this property automatically puts the new transform into effect. See famous/src/core/Modifier.transformFrom.

public get transform: * source

Private Members

private _: {"options": *, "defaultOptions": *} source

Public Methods

public off(): * source

Unregister an event handler for the specified event. See famous/src/core/EventHandler.off.



public on(): * source

Register an event handler for the specified event. See famous/src/core/EventHandler.on.



public pipe(): * source

Forwards events from this Molecule's famous/src/core/EventHandler to the given target, which can be another EventHandler or Molecule.

This method is equivalent to famous/src/core/EventHandler.pipe, acting upon this.handler.

TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a Molecule, then stop doing pipe(this._.handler) in other places



public resetOptions() source

Sets all options back to their defaults.

Note: Anytime this is called, this.modifier is set to a new famous/src/core/Modifier having the default options.

public setOptions(newOptions: Object) source

Compounds newOptions into the existing options, similar to extending an object and overriding only the desired properties. To override all options with a set of new options, set this.options directly.

An example of setting just a single option without erasing other options:

const myMolecule = new Molecule()
  align: [0.2, 0.8]


newOptions Object

An object containing the new options to apply to this Molecule.

public unpipe(): * source

Stops events from this Molecule's famous/src/core/EventHandler from being sent to the given target.

This method is equivalent to famous/src/core/EventHandler.unpipe, acting upon this.handler.

TODO v0.1.0: Let this method accept a Molecule, then stop doing pipe(this.options.handler) in other places

