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discord.js is a node module used as a way of interfacing with Discord. It is a very useful module for creating bots.


Requires node 0.12+

npm install --save discord.js

Example: ping-pong

var Discord = require("discord.js");

var mybot = new Discord.Client();

mybot.on("message", function(message){
    if(message.content === "ping")
        mybot.reply(message, "pong");

mybot.login("email", "password");


Feel free to contribute! Just clone the repo and edit the files in the src folder, not the lib folder.

Whenever you come to making a pull request, make sure it's to the indev branch and that you have built the lib files by running grunt --dev

A list of other Discord API libraries can be found here







If you have an issue or want to know if a feature exists, read the documentation before contacting me about any issues! If it's badly/wrongly implemented, let me know!

If you would like to contact me, you can create an issue on the GitHub repo, e-mail me via the one available on my NPM profile.

Alternatively, you could just send a DM to hydrabolt in Discord API.