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import ESDocUploader from 'esdoc-uploader/src/index.js'
public class | version 1.0.0 | source


ESDocUploader, connects with the ESDoc hosting service API in order to generage the documentation for your project.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Create a new instance of the uploader.

Method Summary

Public Methods

canUpload(): *

After the class is istantiated, this method can be used to check if the url is valid and if the method upload can be called


upload(callback: Function)

Upload your documentation to the ESDoc API.

Public Constructors

public constructor(url: String) source

Create a new instance of the uploader.


url String
  • optional
  • default: null

This is the GitHub repository url. The required format its [email protected]:[author]/[repository].git. You can also ignore it and it will automatically search for it on your package.json.

Public Methods

public canUpload(): * source

After the class is istantiated, this method can be used to check if the url is valid and if the method upload can be called



public upload(callback: Function) source

Upload your documentation to the ESDoc API.


callback Function
  • optional
  • default: ()

=> {}] - An optional callback to be executed after everthing is ready.