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A node module that connects with the ESDoc hosting service API in order to generage the documentation for your project.

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I've been using ESDoc for a while now, and something great about it it's that they provide a hosting service for you documentation. You only need to have your project hosted on GitHub and provide them with its url, the service will take care of cloning your repo, finding your esdoc.json file, generating the docs and publishing them, which I think it's pretty awesome!

Now, the only complication it's that every time you deploy a new change, you have to go to the page and submit a form with your repo url; but if you are working with continuous integration, doing that manually kind of kills the whole idea :P. and that's the reason of this project.


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Package esdoc-uploader
Description Upload your ESDoc documentation to doc.esdoc.org
Node Version >= v0.12.6 (You need >= v4.0.0 for the tests)


You can install it using npm.

npm install esdoc-uploader --save_dev


Command line

$(npm bin)/esdoc-uploader

That's all, esdoc-uploader will automatically look up your package.json, get your repository information and start the process.

As a module

// Import the module class
var ESDocUploader = require('esdoc-uploader');

// Instantiate an object with a valid url
var uploader = new ESDocUploader('[email protected]:homer0/gulp-bundlerify.git');

// For extra precaution, check if the url is valid
if (uploader.canUpload()) {
    uploader.upload(function(success, url) {
        // Checks whether the process ended in success
        if (success) {
            // Logs a confirmation
            console.log('Documents uploaded to: ', url);
        } else {
            console.log('Something went wrong, check the errors above');

Pretty simple right? it only has three public methods:


Install Git hooks


npm tasks


MIT. License file.