Home Identifier Source Repository


import cloneDeep from 'lodash/lang/cloneDeep'
import filter from 'lodash/collection/filter'
import forEach from 'lodash/collection/forEach'
import includes from 'lodash/collection/includes'
import isRequirementName from './is-requirement-name'
import isString from 'lodash/lang/isString'
import keys from 'lodash/object/keys'
import map from 'lodash/collection/map'
import mapValues from 'lodash/object/mapValues'
import some from 'lodash/collection/some'
import zipObject from 'lodash/array/zipObject'
import {slugifyAreaName} from './find-area-path'
import {oxford} from 'humanize-plus'
import {parse} from './parse-hanson-string'

const none = (...args) => !some(...args)
const quote = str => `"${str}"`

let declaredVariables = {}

export default function enhanceHanson(data, {topLevel=false}={}) {
	// 1. adds 'result' key, if missing
	// 2. parses the 'result' and 'filter' keys
	// 3. throws if it encounters any lowercase keys not in the whitelist
	// 4. throws if it cannot find any of the required keys

	if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
		throw new Error(`enhanceHanson(): data was undefined!`)

	const baseWhitelist = ['result', 'message', 'declare']
	const topLevelWhitelist = baseWhitelist.concat(['name', 'revision', 'type', 'sourcePath', 'slug', 'source'])
	const lowerLevelWhitelist = baseWhitelist.concat(['filter', 'message', 'description'])
	const whitelist = topLevel ? topLevelWhitelist : lowerLevelWhitelist

	forEach(keys(data), key => {
		if (!isRequirementName(key) && !includes(whitelist, key)) {
			throw new TypeError(`enhanceHanson(): only ${oxford(whitelist)} keys are allowed, and '${key}' is not one of them. All requirement names must begin with an uppercase letter or a number.`)

	// install the top-level $type key *after* the whitelist runs
	if (topLevel) {
		data.$type = 'requirement'

		// because this only runs at the top level, we know
		// that we'll have a name to use
		data.slug = data.slug || slugifyAreaName(data.name)

		if (typeof data.revision !== 'string') {
			throw new TypeError('enhanceHanson(): "revision" must be a string. Try wrapping it in single quotes.')

	const requirements = filter(keys(data), isRequirementName)
	const abbreviations = zipObject(map(requirements,
		req => [req.replace(/.* \(([A-Z\-]+)\)$|.*$/, '$1'), req]))
	const titles = zipObject(map(requirements,
		req => [req.replace(/(.*?) +\([A-Z\-]+\)$|.*$/, '$1'), req]))

	// console.log(abbreviations, titles)

	const oldVariables = cloneDeep(declaredVariables)
	declaredVariables = {}

	forEach(data.declare || [], (value, key) => {
		declaredVariables[key] = value

	const mutated = mapValues(data, (value, key) => {
		if (isRequirementName(key)) {
			// expand simple strings into {result: string} objects
			if (isString(value)) {
				value = {result: value}

			// then run enhance on the resultant object
			value = enhanceHanson(value, {topLevel: false})

			// also set $type; the PEG can't do it b/c the spec file is YAML
			// w/ PEG result strings.
			value.$type = 'requirement'

		else if (key === 'result' || key === 'filter') {
			forEach(declaredVariables, (contents, name) => {
				if (includes(value, '$' + name)) {
					value = value.split(`$${name}`).join(contents)

			try {
				value = parse(value, {abbreviations, titles})
			catch (e) {
				throw new SyntaxError(`enhanceHanson(): ${e.message} (in '${value}')`)

		return value

	const oneOfTheseKeysMustExist = ['result', 'message', 'filter']
	if (none(keys(data), key => includes(oneOfTheseKeysMustExist, key))) {
		throw new TypeError(`enhanceHanson(): could not find any of [${oneOfTheseKeysMustExist.map(quote).join(', ')}] in [${keys(data).map(quote).join(', ')}].`)

	forEach(data.declare || [], (value, key) => {
		delete declaredVariables[key]
	declaredVariables = oldVariables

	return mutated