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ESDoc Alias Plugin

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This is a plugin to convert import path inside the AST for using ESDoc with alias. Tested only with babel-plugin-module-alias for the moment. Would work with other systems, like webpack resolve.alias.

For example, using babel-plugin-module-alias like that:

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-1"],
  "plugins": [
    ["module-alias", [
      { "src": "./src/app", "expose": "app"  },
      { "src": "./src/core", "expose": "core"  },
      { "src": "./src/locales", "expose": "locales"  },
      { "src": "./src/app/assets", "expose": "assets"  },

Can be resolve with esdoc-alias-plugin with this configuration:

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./doc",
  "plugins": [
      "name": "esdoc-alias-plugin",
      "option": {
        "replaces": [
          {"from": "^app/", "to": "src/app/"},
          {"from": "^core/", "to": "src/core/"},
          {"from": "^locales/", "to": "src/locales/"},
          {"from": "^assets/", "to": "src/app/assets/"}

Install and Usage

npm install esdoc-alias-plugin

setup plugin property in esdoc.json

  "source": "./src",
  "destination": "./doc",
  "plugins": [
      "name": "esdoc-alias-plugin",
      "option": {
        "replaces": [
          {"from": "^core/", "to": "src/core/"}

execute ESDoc

esdoc -c esdoc.json




Rit Grégoire@gregwarit