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Static Public Summary

Models corresponding to AccessControlledModels on the server should extend from this object.


AccessType: {"NONE": *, "READ": *, "WRITE": number, "ADMIN": number}


This view allows users to see and control access on a resource.


This view shows the admin console, which links to all available admin pages.


App: *


AssetstoreType: {"FILESYSTEM": *, "GRIDFS": number, "S3": number}


This view shows the admin console, which links to all available admin pages.


This widget provides the user with an interface similar to a filesystem browser to pick a single user, collection, folder, or item from a hierarchical view.


This widget presents a list of available batch actions on a set of selected resources.


All collections should descend from this collection base class, which provides nice utilities for pagination and sorting.


This view shows a dialog containing detailed collection information.


This view shows a single collection's page.


This view lists the collections.


This file contains utility functions for general use in the application


This widget provides text input fields to specify a range of dates/times.


This widget provides a text input field to specify a date/time.


This widget is used to create a new API key or edit an existing one.


This widget is used to edit an existing assetstore.


This widget is used to create a new collection or edit an existing one.


This widget is used to edit file information.


This widget is used to create a new folder or edit an existing one.


This widget is used to create a new group or edit an existing one.


This widget is used to create a new item or edit an existing one.


This widget shows information about a single file in a modal dialog.


This widget shows a list of files in a given item.


This view shows a dialog container detailed folder information.


This widget shows a list of folders under a given parent.


This view shows a single folder as a hierarchy widget.


This is the view for the front page of the app.


This view shows a list of administrators of a group.


This view shows a list of pending invitations to the group.


This view shows a list of members of a group.


This view shows a list of moderators of a group.


This view shows a single group's page.


This view lists groups.


This widget is used to navigate the data hierarchy of folders and items.


Renders the a breadcrumb for the item page


This widget shows a list of items under a given folder.


This view shows a single item's page.


Layout: {"DEFAULT": string, "EMPTY": string}


This view shows the footer in the layout.


This view shows a list of global navigation links that should be displayed at all times.


This view shows the user menu, or register/sign in links if the user is not logged in.


This view shows the header in the layout.


This widget can be used to display a small loading animation.


This view shows a login modal dialog.


A simple widget for editing markdown text with a preview tab.


MetadataMixin: {"_sendMetadata": *, "addMetadata": *, "removeMetadata": *, "editMetadata": *}


This widget shows a list of metadata in a given item.


Model: *

All models should descend from this base model, which provides a number of utilities for synchronization.


This widget is for creating new assetstores.


This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for iterating amongst pages of a Collection.


This widget provides a consistent breadcrumb to be displayed on the admin configuration pages for plugins.


This is the plugin management page for administrators.


Container showing list of active tasks that are reporting progress via a EventStream object.


This view shows a register modal dialog.


This view shows a modal dialog for resetting a forgotten password.


This widget creates a dropdown box allowing the user to select "root" paths for a hierarchy widget.


This widget provides a text field that will search any set of data types and show matching results as the user types.


This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for iterating amongst pages of a list of search results (using a search mode, a query, an unique type, and a limit).


This view display all the search results by instantiating a subview per each type found.


This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for sorting pages of a Collection by a choosen field.


The system config page for administrators.


This widget renders the state of a progress notification.


This widget displays a timeline of events.


This widget is used to upload files to a folder.


This is the view for the user account (profile) page.


This view shows a single user's page.


This view lists users.


View: *


cookie: {"findAll": *, "find": *}


plugins: {}


renderMarkdown(val: *, el: *): *

Transform markdown into HTML and render it into the given element.


version: *

Static Public

public AccessControlledModel: * source

import AccessControlledModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/AccessControlledModel.js'

Models corresponding to AccessControlledModels on the server should extend from this object. It provides utilities for managing and storing the access control list on

public AccessType: {"NONE": *, "READ": *, "WRITE": number, "ADMIN": number} source

import {AccessType} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public AccessWidget: * source

This view allows users to see and control access on a resource.

public AdminView: * source

This view shows the admin console, which links to all available admin pages.

public ApiKeyCollection: * source

public ApiKeyListWidget: * source

public ApiKeyModel: * source

import ApiKeyModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/ApiKeyModel.js'

public App: * source

public AssetstoreCollection: * source

import AssetstoreCollection from '@girder/lint/src/collections/AssetstoreCollection.js'

public AssetstoreModel: * source

import AssetstoreModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/AssetstoreModel.js'

public AssetstoreType: {"FILESYSTEM": *, "GRIDFS": number, "S3": number} source

import {AssetstoreType} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public AssetstoresView: * source

This view shows the admin console, which links to all available admin pages.

public BrowserWidget: * source

This widget provides the user with an interface similar to a filesystem browser to pick a single user, collection, folder, or item from a hierarchical view.

public CheckedMenuWidget: * source

This widget presents a list of available batch actions on a set of selected resources.

public Collection: * source

All collections should descend from this collection base class, which provides nice utilities for pagination and sorting.

public CollectionCollection: * source

import CollectionCollection from '@girder/lint/src/collections/CollectionCollection.js'

public CollectionCreationPolicyModel: * source

import CollectionCreationPolicyModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/CollectionCreationPolicyModel.js'

public CollectionInfoWidget: * source

This view shows a dialog containing detailed collection information.

public CollectionModel: * source

import CollectionModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/CollectionModel.js'

public CollectionView: * source

This view shows a single collection's page.

public CollectionsView: * source

This view lists the collections.

public DATE_DAY: number source

import {DATE_DAY} from '@girder/lint/src/misc.js'

public DATE_MINUTE: number source

import {DATE_MINUTE} from '@girder/lint/src/misc.js'

public DATE_MONTH: number source

import {DATE_MONTH} from '@girder/lint/src/misc.js'

This file contains utility functions for general use in the application

public DATE_SECOND: number source

import {DATE_SECOND} from '@girder/lint/src/misc.js'

public DateTimeRangeWidget: * source

This widget provides text input fields to specify a range of dates/times. That is, the first field specifies "from" and the second field specifies "to." The user chooses each date/time using a popup picker.

public DateTimeWidget: * source

This widget provides a text input field to specify a date/time. The user chooses the date/time using a popup picker.

public EditApiKeyWidget: * source

This widget is used to create a new API key or edit an existing one.

public EditAssetstoreWidget: * source

This widget is used to edit an existing assetstore.

public EditCollectionWidget: * source

This widget is used to create a new collection or edit an existing one.

public EditFileWidget: * source

This widget is used to edit file information.

public EditFolderWidget: * source

This widget is used to create a new folder or edit an existing one.

public EditGroupWidget: * source

This widget is used to create a new group or edit an existing one.

public EditItemWidget: * source

This widget is used to create a new item or edit an existing one.

public FileCollection: * source

public FileInfoWidget: * source

This widget shows information about a single file in a modal dialog.

public FileListWidget: * source

This widget shows a list of files in a given item.

public FileModel: * source

import FileModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/FileModel.js'

public FilesystemImportView: * source

import FilesystemImportView from '@girder/lint/src/views/body/FilesystemImportView.js'

public FolderCollection: * source

public FolderInfoWidget: * source

This view shows a dialog container detailed folder information.

public FolderListWidget: * source

This widget shows a list of folders under a given parent. Initialize this with a "parentType" and "parentId" value, which will be passed to the folder GET endpoint.

public FolderModel: * source

import FolderModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/FolderModel.js'

public FolderView: * source

This view shows a single folder as a hierarchy widget.

public FrontPageView: * source

This is the view for the front page of the app.

public GroupAdminsWidget: * source

This view shows a list of administrators of a group.

public GroupCollection: * source

public GroupInvitesWidget: * source

This view shows a list of pending invitations to the group.

public GroupMembersWidget: * source

This view shows a list of members of a group.

public GroupModel: * source

import GroupModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/GroupModel.js'

public GroupModsWidget: * source

This view shows a list of moderators of a group.

public GroupView: * source

This view shows a single group's page.

public GroupsView: * source

This view lists groups.

public HierarchyWidget: * source

This widget is used to navigate the data hierarchy of folders and items.

public ItemBreadcrumbWidget: * source

Renders the a breadcrumb for the item page

public ItemCollection: * source

public ItemListWidget: * source

This widget shows a list of items under a given folder.

public ItemModel: * source

import ItemModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/ItemModel.js'

public ItemView: * source

This view shows a single item's page.

public Layout: {"DEFAULT": string, "EMPTY": string} source

import {Layout} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public LayoutFooterView: * source

import LayoutFooterView from '@girder/lint/src/views/layout/FooterView.js'

This view shows the footer in the layout.

public LayoutGlobalNavView: * source

import LayoutGlobalNavView from '@girder/lint/src/views/layout/GlobalNavView.js'

This view shows a list of global navigation links that should be displayed at all times.

public LayoutHeaderUserView: * source

import LayoutHeaderUserView from '@girder/lint/src/views/layout/HeaderUserView.js'

This view shows the user menu, or register/sign in links if the user is not logged in.

public LayoutHeaderView: * source

import LayoutHeaderView from '@girder/lint/src/views/layout/HeaderView.js'

This view shows the header in the layout.

public LoadingAnimation: * source

This widget can be used to display a small loading animation.

public LoginView: * source

This view shows a login modal dialog.

public MONTHS: string[] source

import {MONTHS} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public MarkdownWidget: * source

A simple widget for editing markdown text with a preview tab.

public MetadataMixin: {"_sendMetadata": *, "addMetadata": *, "removeMetadata": *, "editMetadata": *} source

import MetadataMixin from '@girder/lint/src/models/MetadataMixin.js'

public MetadataWidget: * source

This widget shows a list of metadata in a given item.

public Model: * source

All models should descend from this base model, which provides a number of utilities for synchronization.

public NewAssetstoreWidget: * source

This widget is for creating new assetstores. The parent view is responsible for checking admin privileges before rendering this widget.

public PaginateWidget: * source

This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for iterating amongst pages of a Collection.

public PluginConfigBreadcrumbWidget: * source

import PluginConfigBreadcrumbWidget from '@girder/lint/src/views/widgets/PluginConfigBreadcrumbWidget.js'

This widget provides a consistent breadcrumb to be displayed on the admin configuration pages for plugins.

public PluginsView: * source

This is the plugin management page for administrators.

public ProgressListView: * source

Container showing list of active tasks that are reporting progress via a EventStream object.

public RegisterView: * source

This view shows a register modal dialog.

public ResetPasswordView: * source

This view shows a modal dialog for resetting a forgotten password.

public RootSelectorWidget: object source

This widget creates a dropdown box allowing the user to select "root" paths for a hierarchy widget.


root Model | null

The selected root model

group string | null

The selection group

collection Collection



RootSelectorWidget#g:selected The selected element changed


RootSelectorWidget#g:group A collection group was updated

public S3ImportView: * source

public SORT_ASC: number source

import {SORT_ASC} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public SORT_DESC: * source

import {SORT_DESC} from '@girder/lint/src/constants.js'

public SearchFieldWidget: * source

This widget provides a text field that will search any set of data types and show matching results as the user types. Results can be clicked, triggering a callback.

public SearchPaginateWidget: * source

This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for iterating amongst pages of a list of search results (using a search mode, a query, an unique type, and a limit).

public SearchResultsView: * source

import SearchResultsView from '@girder/lint/src/views/body/SearchResultsView.js'

This view display all the search results by instantiating a subview per each type found.

public SortCollectionWidget: * source

This widget is used to provide a consistent widget for sorting pages of a Collection by a choosen field.

public SystemConfigurationView: * source

import SystemConfigurationView from '@girder/lint/src/views/body/SystemConfigurationView.js'

The system config page for administrators.

public TaskProgressWidget: * source

This widget renders the state of a progress notification.

public TimelineWidget: * source

This widget displays a timeline of events. This is visualized as a line (a bar) with two sorts of primitives overlaid:

  1. Segments: spans of time, with a start and end.
  2. Points: a single point in time. Points always display on top of segments.

Any number of these primitives can be displayed on the timeline, so long as they are bounded between the specified startTime and endTime. The time values for startTime, endTime, and for the primitives can be specified either as numeric values (i.e. a relative offset in time), or as date strings that can be parsed by JavaScript, or as Date objects. For obvious reasons, in a single instance of this widget, it is not possible to mix the numeric/relative values with datestamp values.

public UploadWidget: * source

This widget is used to upload files to a folder. Pass a folder model to its constructor as the parent folder that will be uploaded into. The events: itemComplete: Triggered each time an individual item is finished uploading. finished: Triggered when the entire set of items is uploaded.

public UserAccountView: * source

This is the view for the user account (profile) page.

public UserCollection: * source

public UserModel: * source

import UserModel from '@girder/lint/src/models/UserModel.js'

public UserOtpManagementWidget: * source

import UserOtpManagementWidget from '@girder/lint/src/views/widgets/UserOtpManagementWidget.js'

public UserView: * source

This view shows a single user's page.

public UsersView: * source

This view lists users.

public View: * source

import {cookie} from '@girder/lint/src/auth.js'

public corsAuth: boolean source

import {corsAuth} from '@girder/lint/src/auth.js'

public girderEvents: * source

import girderEvents from '@girder/lint/src/events.js'

public plugins: {} source

import {plugins} from '@girder/lint/src/index.js'

public renderMarkdown(val: *, el: *): * source

import {renderMarkdown} from '@girder/lint/src/misc.js'

Transform markdown into HTML and render it into the given element. If no element is provided, simply returns the HTML.

public uploadHandlers: {} source

import {uploadHandlers} from '@girder/lint/src/rest.js'

public version: * source

import version from '@girder/lint/src/version.js'