Home Reference Source
import RunState from 'domless/src/states/run.js'
public class | source



Phaser~Phaser.State → RunState

Runs the app

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Constructor method for RunState Returns a ndw instance of this class

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

app: *

Getter for the app property this.app is a synonym for this.game

Method Summary

Public Methods


Runs once, before the first frame is rendered for this state


Runs before the first frame is rendered for this state



Runs continuously, before each frame is rendered for this state

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

Constructor method for RunState Returns a ndw instance of this class

Public Members

public get app: * source

Getter for the app property this.app is a synonym for this.game

Public Methods

public create() source

Runs once, before the first frame is rendered for this state

public preload() source

Runs before the first frame is rendered for this state

public update() source

Runs continuously, before each frame is rendered for this state