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/* globals jQuery:false
 * jQuery Microdata v1.4
 * https://github.com/hubgit/jquery-microdata
 * Copyright 2014 Alf Eaton
 * Released under the MIT license
 * http://git.macropus.org/mit-license/
 * Date: 2014-01-21
 (function($) {
 	'use strict';

	// get all items of a certain type
	$.fn.items = function(itemtype) {
		return this.find('[itemscope]:not([itemprop])').filter(function() {
			return !itemtype || attrs.call(this, 'itemtype').get().indexOf(itemtype) !== -1;

	// all nodes with a certain property name
	$.fn.property = function(name) {
		return propertyNodes.apply(this).filter(function() {
			return attrs.call(this, 'itemprop').get().indexOf(name) !== -1;

	// get/set the value of matched elements
	$.fn.value = function(value) {
		// get value
		if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
			return itemValue.call(this);

		// set a single value
		itemValue.call(this, value);

	// get all values of a property as an array
	$.fn.values = function(expanded) {
		return this.map(function() {
			var node = $(this);

			return node.is('[itemscope]') ? microdata.call(node, expanded) : itemValue.call(node);

	// convenience function for manipulating properties of an item
	$.fn.microdata = function(value) {
		switch (typeof value) {
			// get all values of an item
			case 'undefined':
			case 'boolean':
				return this.map(function() {
					return microdata.call($(this), value);

			// get/set a single property
			case 'string':
				if (arguments.length === 1) {
					// get a single property
					return this.property(value).value();

				// set a single property

				return this;

			// set the value of multiple properties
			case 'object':
				var nodes = this;

				$.each(value, function(name, value) {

				return this;

	var ownerElement = function(node) {
		var owner = node;

		while (owner.parentNode && owner.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
			owner = owner.parentNode;

		return $(owner);

	// all property nodes, including those in referenced nodes
	var propertyNodes = function() {
		if (!this.length) {
			return $([]);

		var owner = ownerElement(this.get(0));

		var refs = attrs.call(this, 'itemref').map(function(i, id) {
			return owner.find('#' + id).get(0);

		var nodes = $.merge($(refs), this);

		return nodes.find('[itemprop]').not(nodes.find('[itemscope] [itemprop]'));

	// get a space-separated attribute as an array
	var attrs = function(attribute) {
		return $(this).map(function() {
			return (this.getAttribute(attribute) || '').split(/\s+/);
		}).filter(function() {
			return this.length;

	// get or set the value of a node
	var itemValue = function(value) {
		var getting = value == null;

		if (this.is('[itemscope]')) {
			if (!getting) {
				throw 'Not allowed to set the value of an itemscope node';

			return this;

		var node = this.get(0);

		switch (node.nodeName) {
			case 'META':
			return getting ? $.trim(this.attr('content')) : this.attr('content', value);

			case 'DATA':
			return getting ? $.trim(this.attr('value')) : this.attr('value', value);

			case 'METER':
			return getting ? $.trim(this.attr('value')) : this.attr('value', value);

			case 'TIME':
			if (getting) {
				if (this.attr('datetime')) {
					return $.trim(this.attr('datetime'));

				return $.trim(this.text());
			return this.attr('datetime', value);

			case 'AUDIO':
			case 'EMBED':
			case 'IFRAME':
			case 'IMG':
			case 'SOURCE':
			case 'TRACK':
			return getting ? node.src : this.attr('src', value);

			case 'A':
			case 'AREA':
			case 'LINK':
			return getting ? node.href : this.attr('href', value);

			case 'OBJECT':
			return getting ? node.data : this.attr('data', value);

			return getting ? $.trim(this.text()) : this.text(value);

	// get all properties as a key/value(s) object
	var microdata = function(expanded) {
		if (this.length > 1) {
			return this.map(function() {
				return microdata.call($(this), expanded);

		// the object always includes an itemtype
		var data = {
			type: expanded ? attrs.call(this, 'itemtype').get() : attrs.call(this, 'itemtype').get(0)

		propertyNodes.call(this).map(function() {
			var node = $(this);
			var property = node.value();

			if (property instanceof jQuery) {
				property = microdata.call(property, expanded);

			attrs.call(this, 'itemprop').each(function(index, name) {
				if (expanded) {
					if (typeof data[name] == 'undefined') {
						data[name] = [];

				} else {
					if (typeof data[name] == 'undefined') {
						data[name] = property; // first item
					} else if ($.isArray(data[name])) {
						data[name].push(property); // more items
					} else {
						data[name] = [data[name], property];

		return data;