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define(['director', 'logger'], function(director, log) {
    'use strict';

    return function(Vue, options) {
        options = options || {};

        var Router = Vue.extend({
            name: 'Router',
            data: function() {
                return {
                    prefix: options.prefix || '',
                    router: new director.Router(),
                    current_path: null,
            created: function() {
                    strict: false,
                    html5history: true,
                    convert_hash_in_init: false,
                    // recurse: 'forward',
                    before: this.on_before_event.bind(this),
                    on:  this.on_on_event.bind(this),
                    after: this.on_after_event.bind(this),
                    notfound: this.on_notfound.bind(this)
                // Register some common parameter type
                this.router.param('oid', /([0-9a-fA-F\\-]+)/);
            computed: {
                current_route: function() {
                    if (this.current_path) {
                        return this.current_path.replace(this.prefix, '/').replace('//', '/');
                parameters: function() {
                    /* Load GET parameters if any once and for all.
                       Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/a/979995 */
                    let parameters = {};
                    if (window.location.search) {
                        for (let param of window.location.search.substring(1).split("&")) {
                            let [name, value] = param.split("=");
                            value = decodeURIComponent(value);
                            if (typeof parameters[name] === "undefined") {
                                parameters[name] = value;
                            } else if (typeof parameters[name] === "string") {
                                // If second entry with this name
                                parameters[name] = [parameters[name], value];
                            } else {
                                // If third or later entry with this name
                    return parameters;
            methods: {
                 * Route to the given route
                go: function(route) {
                    log.debug('Go to', route);
                to_path: function(route) {
                    var path = (this.prefix + route).replace('//', '/');
                    if (path[0] !== '/') {
                        path = '/' + path;
                    return path;
                update: function() {
                    this.current_path = '/' + this.router.getRoute().join('/');
                on_before_event: function() {
                    this.$dispatch('route:changed:before', this);
                on_on_event: function() {
                    this.$dispatch('route:changed', this);
                on_after_event: function() {
                    this.$dispatch('route:changed:after', this);
                on: function(route, func) {
                    route = this.to_path(route);
                    this.router.on.apply(this.router, [route, func]);
                on_notfound: function() {
                    log.debug('Route not found', this.current_route);
                callback: function(name) {
                    var option = this.$options[name],

                    if (!option) { return; }

                    callbacks = Vue.util.isArray(option) ? option : [option];

                    for (var i=0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
                init: function() {
                 * Recursively bind routes to a given scope
                 * @param  {Object} routes a routing table to bind
                 * @param  {Object} scope  The scope to bind callbacks on
                 * @return {Object}        The binded routing table
                bind: function(routes, scope) {
                    for (var prop in routes){
                        if (Vue.util.isObject(routes[prop])) {
                            routes[prop] = this.bind(routes[prop], scope);
                        } else if (Vue.util.isFunction(routes[prop])) {
                            routes[prop] = Vue.util.bind(routes[prop], scope);
                    return routes;

                mount: function(obj) {
                    // Bind routes
                    if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj.$options.routes || {}).length > 0) {
                        var routes = this.bind(obj.$options.routes, obj);
                        this.router.mount(routes, this.prefix);


         * Make the router object available globaly on Vue.route
         * and as instance property on this.$router.
        Vue.prototype.$router = Vue.router = new Router();

         * Bind routes on init
        var super_scope = Vue.prototype._initScope;
        Vue.prototype._initScope = function() {

         * Allow to route from everywhere:
         *  - on global scope with Vue.go
         *  - on instance scope with this.$go
        Vue.prototype.$go = Vue.go = function(route) {
            return Vue.router.go(route);

         * Allow to declare routes as component options
        Vue.options.routes = {};

         * Allow to declare route for click event
        Vue.directive('route', {
            isLiteral: true,
            bind: function() {
                this.route = this.expression;
                this.handler = function() {
                Vue.util.on(this.el, 'click', this.handler);
                if (!this.el.className.indexOf('pointer') >= 0) {
                    this.el.className += ' pointer';
            update: function(value) {
                this.route = value;
            unbind: function() {
                Vue.util.off(this.el, 'click', this.handler);