Manual Reference Source Test


import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path';
import assert from 'assert';
import logger from 'color-logger';
import ASTUtil from './Util/ASTUtil.js';
import ESParser from './Parser/ESParser';
import PathResolver from './Util/PathResolver.js';
import DocFactory from './Factory/DocFactory.js';
import InvalidCodeLogger from './Util/InvalidCodeLogger.js';
import Plugin from './Plugin/Plugin.js';

 * API Documentation Generator.
 * @example
 * let config = {source: './src', destination: './esdoc'};
 * ESDoc.generate(config, (results, config)=>{
 *   console.log(results);
 * });
export default class ESDoc {
   * Generate documentation.
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config - config for generation.
  static generate(config) {


    config = Plugin.onHandleConfig(config);


    logger.debug = !!config.debug;
    const includes = => new RegExp(v));
    const excludes = => new RegExp(v));

    let packageName = null;
    let mainFilePath = null;
    if (config.package) {
      try {
        const packageJSON = fs.readFileSync(config.package, {encode: 'utf8'});
        const packageConfig = JSON.parse(packageJSON);
        packageName =;
        mainFilePath = packageConfig.main;
      } catch (e) {
        // ignore

    let results = [];
    const asts = [];
    const sourceDirPath = path.resolve(config.source);

    this._walk(config.source, (filePath)=>{
      const relativeFilePath = path.relative(sourceDirPath, filePath);
      let match = false;
      for (const reg of includes) {
        if (relativeFilePath.match(reg)) {
          match = true;
      if (!match) return;

      for (const reg of excludes) {
        if (relativeFilePath.match(reg)) return;

      console.log(`parse: ${filePath}`);
      const temp = this._traverse(config.source, filePath, packageName, mainFilePath);
      if (!temp) return;
      if (config.outputAST) {
        asts.push({filePath: `source${path.sep}${relativeFilePath}`, ast: temp.ast});

    // config.index
    if (config.index) {

    // config.package
    if (config.package) {

    results = this._resolveDuplication(results);

    results = Plugin.onHandleDocs(results);

    // index.json
      const dumpPath = path.resolve(config.destination, 'index.json');
      fs.outputFileSync(dumpPath, JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));

    // ast, array will be empty if config.outputAST is false - resulting in skipping the loop
    for (const ast of asts) {
      const json = JSON.stringify(ast.ast, null, 2);
      const filePath = path.resolve(config.destination, `ast/${ast.filePath}.json`);
      fs.outputFileSync(filePath, json);

    // publish


   * check ESDoc config. and if it is old, exit with warning message.
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config - check config
   * @private
  static _checkOldConfig(config) {
    let exit = false;

    const keys = [
      ['access', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['autoPrivate', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['unexportedIdentifier', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['undocumentIdentifier', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['builtinExternal', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['coverage', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['test', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['title', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['manual', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['lint', 'esdoc-standard-plugin'],
      ['includeSource', 'esdoc-exclude-source-plugin'],
      ['styles', 'esdoc-inject-style-plugin'],
      ['scripts', 'esdoc-inject-script-plugin'],
      ['experimentalProposal', 'esdoc-ecmascript-proposal-plugin']

    for (const [key, plugin] of keys) {
      if (key in config) {
        console.log(`error: config.${key} is invalid. Please use ${plugin}. how to migration:`);
        exit = true;

    if (exit) process.exit(1);

   * set default config to specified config.
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config - specified config.
   * @private
  static _setDefaultConfig(config) {
    if (!config.includes) config.includes = ['\\.js$'];

    if (!config.excludes) config.excludes = ['\\.config\\.js$', '\\.test\\.js$'];

    if (!config.index) config.index = './';

    if (!config.package) config.package = './package.json';

    if (!('outputAST' in config)) config.outputAST = true;

   * walk recursive in directory.
   * @param {string} dirPath - target directory path.
   * @param {function(entryPath: string)} callback - callback for find file.
   * @private
  static _walk(dirPath, callback) {
    const entries = fs.readdirSync(dirPath);

    for (const entry of entries) {
      const entryPath = path.resolve(dirPath, entry);
      const stat = fs.statSync(entryPath);

      if (stat.isFile()) {
      } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
        this._walk(entryPath, callback);

   * traverse doc comment in JavaScript file.
   * @param {string} inDirPath - root directory path.
   * @param {string} filePath - target JavaScript file path.
   * @param {string} [packageName] - npm package name of target.
   * @param {string} [mainFilePath] - npm main file path of target.
   * @returns {Object} - return document that is traversed.
   * @property {DocObject[]} results - this is contained JavaScript file.
   * @property {AST} ast - this is AST of JavaScript file.
   * @private
  static _traverse(inDirPath, filePath, packageName, mainFilePath) {
    logger.i(`parsing: ${filePath}`);
    let ast;
    try {
      ast = ESParser.parse(filePath);
    } catch (e) {
      InvalidCodeLogger.showFile(filePath, e);
      return null;

    const pathResolver = new PathResolver(inDirPath, filePath, packageName, mainFilePath);
    const factory = new DocFactory(ast, pathResolver);

    ASTUtil.traverse(ast, (node, parent)=>{
      try {
        factory.push(node, parent);
      } catch (e) {, node);
        throw e;

    return {results: factory.results, ast: ast};

   * generate index doc
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config
   * @returns {Tag}
   * @private
  static _generateForIndex(config) {
    let indexContent = '';

    if (fs.existsSync(config.index)) {
      indexContent = fs.readFileSync(config.index, {encode: 'utf8'}).toString();
    } else {
      console.log(`warning: ${config.index} is not found. Please check config.index.`);

    const tag = {
      kind: 'index',
      content: indexContent,
      longname: path.resolve(config.index),
      name: config.index,
      static: true,
      access: 'public'

    return tag;

   * generate package doc
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config
   * @returns {Tag}
   * @private
  static _generateForPackageJSON(config) {
    let packageJSON = '';
    let packagePath = '';
    try {
      packageJSON = fs.readFileSync(config.package, {encoding: 'utf-8'});
      packagePath = path.resolve(config.package);
    } catch (e) {
      // ignore

    const tag = {
      kind: 'packageJSON',
      content: packageJSON,
      longname: packagePath,
      name: path.basename(packagePath),
      static: true,
      access: 'public'

    return tag;

   * resolve duplication docs
   * @param {Tag[]} docs
   * @returns {Tag[]}
   * @private
  static _resolveDuplication(docs) {
    const memberDocs = docs.filter((doc) => doc.kind === 'member');
    const removeIds = [];

    for (const memberDoc of memberDocs) {
      // member duplicate with getter/setter/method.
      // when it, remove member.
      // getter/setter/method are high priority.
      const sameLongnameDoc = docs.find((doc) => doc.longname === memberDoc.longname && doc.kind !== 'member');
      if (sameLongnameDoc) {

      const dup = docs.filter((doc) => doc.longname === memberDoc.longname && doc.kind === 'member');
      if (dup.length > 1) {
        const ids = => v.__docId__);
        ids.sort((a, b) => {
          return a < b ? -1 : 1;

    return docs.filter((doc) => !removeIds.includes(doc.__docId__));

   * publish content
   * @param {ESDocConfig} config
   * @private
  static _publish(config) {
    try {
      const write = (filePath, content, option) =>{
        const _filePath = path.resolve(config.destination, filePath);
        content = Plugin.onHandleContent(content, _filePath);

        console.log(`output: ${_filePath}`);
        fs.outputFileSync(_filePath, content, option);

      const copy = (srcPath, destPath) => {
        const _destPath = path.resolve(config.destination, destPath);
        console.log(`output: ${_destPath}`);
        fs.copySync(srcPath, _destPath);

      const read = (filePath) => {
        const _filePath = path.resolve(config.destination, filePath);
        return fs.readFileSync(_filePath).toString();

      Plugin.onPublish(write, copy, read);
    } catch (e) {