Home Reference Source Test


import { STS, Credentials } from 'aws-sdk';
import typedError from 'error/typed';
import wrappedError from 'error/wrapped';

import Attribute from './attribute';
import { FUNCTION_NAME } from './constants';

 * The defined remote artifact does not exist or access has not been granted.
 * @type {Error}
const artifactNotFound = typedError({
  message: 'Artifact "{artifactName}" not a valid InputArtifact',
  type: 'pipeline.artifact.not_found',

 * An error occurred whilst attempting to assume the role that was provided.
 * @type {Error}
const couldNotAssumeRole = wrappedError({
  message: 'Failed to assume role: "{roleArn}"',
  type: 'pipeline.destination.role',

 * This class represents a single, defined destination which the user
 * has specified inside the UserParameters key.
 * Responsible for first resolving any source input artifacts and matching
 * all files found inside the artifact. Then assuming the correct role to
 * access the destination, and uploading them, using the {@link File#upload}
 * method.
export default class Destination {
   * @param {Object} destination - a valid src/destination object.
   * @param {String, Object} destination.roleArn - a static or remote reference
   *  to a IAM Role which has sufficient permissons for the destination S3 Bucket.
   * @param {String, Object} destination.bucket - a static or remote reference
   *  to a destination S3 bucket.
   * @param {Array[String]} destination.src - An array of source files to be
   *  found inside one or more input artifacts.
   * @param {String} destination.cwd - The working directory to match files against.
   * @param {String} destination.prefix - The prefix to apply to all uploaded
   *  source files in the destination S3 bucket.
   * @param {Object} artifacts - An object containing all
   *  {@link Artifact} instances with the property key being the artifacts name.
  constructor({ roleArn, bucket, src, prefix = '/', cwd = '' }, artifacts) {
     * The AWS STS client used to assume roles inside the lambda function
     * for the appropriate S3 destination.
     * @type {STS}
    this.sts = new STS();
     * An array of {@link Artifact} (which may not be ready).
     * @type {Array[Artifact]}
    this.artifacts = artifacts;
     * A static or remote reference to a IAM Role which has sufficient
     * permissons for the destination S3 Bucket.
     * @type {Attribute}
    this.roleArn = new Attribute(roleArn, artifacts);
     * A static or remote reference to a destination S3 bucket.
     * @type {Attribute}
    this.bucket = new Attribute(bucket, artifacts);
     * An array of source files to be found inside one or more input artifacts.
     * @type {Array[String]}
    this.sources = src;
     * The prefix to apply to all uploaded source files in the
     * destination S3 bucket.
     * @type {String}
    this.prefix = prefix;
     * The working directory to match files against.
     * Matched files are returned relatively against this directory.
     * @type {String}
    this.cwd = cwd;

   * Retrieves credentials by assuming the defined role, which (should) enable
   * IAM access to the remote S3 destination.
   * @return {Object} an object containing AWS access keys.
  async credentials() {
    const { sts } = this;
    const roleArn = await this.roleArn.value();
    try {
      const {
        Credentials: { AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken },
      } = await sts
          RoleSessionName: FUNCTION_NAME,
          ExternalId: FUNCTION_NAME,
          RoleArn: roleArn,
      return new Credentials(AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken);
    } catch (err) {
      throw couldNotAssumeRole(err, { roleArn });

   * Retrieves all matched file objects from inside the "src" definition.
   * This function will resolve all matched file references, across all input
   * artifacts.
   * If a `cwd` parameter has been defined, file objects returned will have
   * paths relative to this directory path.
   * @return {Array[File]} an array of file objects ready for upload.
  async files() {
    const { artifacts, sources, cwd } = this;
    const files = sources.map(async src => {
      const [artifactName, glob] = src.split('::');
      const artifact = artifacts[artifactName];
      if (!artifact) {
        throw artifactNotFound({ artifactName });
      await artifact.ready();
      return artifact.match(glob, cwd);
    const sourceFiles = await Promise.all(files);
    return [].concat(...sourceFiles);

   * Uploads all matched files from their source input artifacts to the
   * defined destinations, prefixed with the appropriate key.
   * Note that this function first assumes the correct role for this destination.
   * @return {Boolean} true if successful, throws otherwise.
  async upload() {
    const { prefix } = this;
    const credentials = await this.credentials();
    const bucket = await this.bucket.value();
    const files = await this.files();
    const details = { bucket, credentials, prefix };
    return Promise.all(files.map(f => f.upload(details)));