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 * This captures all of the data associated with the LTI Launch.

class Entity {

     * All extending classes must define these member variables in their constructor
    constructor() {
         * Implementing classes must override this variable in their constructor
        this.TABLE_NAME = null; // "lti_result";
         * Implementing classes must override this variable in their constructor
        this.PRIMARY_KEY = null; // "result_id";
         * Implementing classes must override this variable in their constructor
        this.id = null;

     * Load the json field for this entity
     * @return {string} This returns the json string - it is not parsed - if there is 
     * nothing to return - this returns "false"
    get json()
        return null; /*
        global $CFG, $PDOX;

        $row = $PDOX->rowDie("SELECT json FROM {$CFG->dbprefix}{$this->TABLE_NAME} 
                WHERE $this->PRIMARY_KEY = :PK",
            array(":PK" => $this->id));
        if ( $row === false ) return false;
        $json = $row['json'];
        if ( $json === null ) return false;
        return $json; */

     * Set the JSON entry for this entity
     * @param {string} json This is a string - no validation is done
    set json(json)
        global $CFG, $PDOX;

        $q = $PDOX->queryDie("UPDATE {$CFG->dbprefix}{$this->TABLE_NAME}
                SET json = :SET WHERE $this->PRIMARY_KEY = :PK",
            array(":SET" => $json, ":PK" => $this->id)

     * Set/update a JSON key for this entity
     * @param {string} key The key to be inserted/updated in the JSON
     * @param {string} value The value to be inserted/updated in the JSON
        global $CFG, $PDOX;

        $old = $this->getJson();
        $old_json = json_decode($old);
        if ( $old_json == null ) $old_json = new \stdClass();
        $old_json->{$key} = $value;
        $new = json_encode($old_json);


module.exports = Entity;