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Static Public Summary

add actions for specifying relationship of newly adding node to its targetID 0 add the new group to the the head of the group specified by the add target ID.






layer: *


timetagToDate(ntpTimeTag: Array): Date: *


Static Public

public AddActions: * source

import {AddActions} from 'supercolliderjs/src/server/osc/msg.js'

add actions for specifying relationship of newly adding node to its targetID 0 add the new group to the the head of the group specified by the add target ID. 1 add the new group to the the tail of the group specified by the add target ID. 2 add the new group just before the node specified by the add target ID. 3 add the new group just after the node specified by the add target ID. 4 the new node replaces the node specified by the add target ID. The target node is freed.

public EventEmitter: * source

public STATES: * source

public dateToTimetag: * source

import {dateToTimetag} from 'supercolliderjs/src/server/osc/utils.js'


Convert a JavaScript Date to a NTP timetag array [secondsSince1970, fractionalSeconds].

toBuffer already accepts Dates for timetags so you might not need this function. If you need to schedule bundles with finer than millisecond accuracy then you could use this to help assemble the NTP array.

public layer: * source

public timetagToDate(ntpTimeTag: Array): Date: * source

import {timetagToDate} from 'supercolliderjs/src/server/osc/utils.js'


Convert a timetag array to a JavaScript Date object in your local timezone.

Received OSC bundles converted with fromBuffer will have a timetag array: [secondsSince1970, fractionalSeconds] This utility is useful for logging. Accuracy is reduced to milliseconds, but the returned Date object also has fractionalSecondsInt and fractionalSecondsFloat set if you need full accuracy (0.00000000023283 second, or 2^32 per second)

