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import * as _ from 'underscore';

 * Manages the tree structure, contexts for nodes,
 * utilities to walk the tree, collect commands and
 * call command middleware.
export default class DryadTree {

   * @param {Dryad} rootDryad
   * @param {Function} getClass - lookup function
  constructor(rootDryad, getClass, rootContext={}) {
    this.root = rootDryad;
    this.dryads = {};
    this.contexts = {};
    this.getClass = getClass;
    this.rootContext = rootContext;
    this.tree = this._makeTree(this.root);

   * Depth first traversal of the Dryad tree
   * The function is given arguments:
   *   node {id type children}
   *   Dryad
   *   context
   *   memo
   * @param {Function} fn - called with (dryad, context, node)
   * @param {Object} node - data object
   * @param {Object} memo - for usage during recursion
  walk(fn, node, memo) {
    if (!node) {
      node = this.root;
    memo = fn(node, this.dryads[node.id], this.contexts[node.id], memo);
    node.children.forEach((child) => {
      memo = this.walk(fn, child, memo);
    return memo;

   * Collect a tree of command objects from each node for a given method.
   * eg. 'add' 'remove' 'prepareForAdd'
   * @param {String} methodName
   * @param {Dryad} node
   * @returns {Object}
  collectCommands(methodName, node, player) {
    let dryad = this.dryads[node.id];
    let context = this.contexts[node.id];
    let commands = dryad[methodName](player);
    return {
      commands: commands,
      context: context,
      id: node.id,
      children: node.children.map((child) => this.collectCommands(methodName, child, player))

   * Construct a command tree for a single commandObject to be executed
   * with a single node's context.
   * This is for runtime execution of commands,
   * called from streams and async processes initiated during Dryad's .add()
  makeCommandTree(nodeId, command) {
    return {
      commands: command,
      context: this.contexts[nodeId],
      id: nodeId,
      children: []

   * Update the context for a node.
   * @param {String} dryadId
   * @param {Object} update
  updateContext(dryadId, update) {
    return this.contexts[dryadId] = _.assign(this.contexts[dryadId], update);

   * Get a representation of current state of the tree.
   * Contains add|remove|prepared and may hold errors.
  getDebugState() {
    const formatState = (s) => {
      if (!s) {
        return s;

      if (s.error) {
        return `ERROR: ${s.error}`;

      if (s.add) {
        return 'running';

      if (s.remove) {
        return 'removed';

      if (s.prepared) {
        return 'prepared';

    const dbug = (node) => {
      const r = {
        class: this.dryads[node.id].constructor.name,
        // props: this.dryads[node.id].properties,
        state: formatState(this.contexts[node.id].state)
      if (node.children.length) {
        r.children = node.children.map(dbug);
      return r;

    return dbug(this.tree);

   * Create and return initial context for a Dryad.
   * Each context inherits from it's parent's context.
   * @returns {Object}
  _createContext(dryad, dryadId, parentId, rootContext={}) {
    let cc = _.assign({id: dryadId}, rootContext, dryad.initialContext());
    if (parentId) {
      let parent = this.dryads[parentId];
      let childContext = parent.childContext(this.contexts[parentId]);
      return _.create(this.contexts[parentId], _.assign(childContext, cc));
    return cc;

   * Given a Dryad (possibily with children), construct a tree of Objects
   * {id type children}
   * Dryad classes may use requireParent() and subgraph() to replace themselves
   * with a different graph. So this tree is not a direct representation of the input
   * graph, but may be expanded through the use of requireParent() and subgraph()
   * Generates ids for each Dryad
   * Stores each by its id
   * Creates context for each
   * This method calls itself recursively for children.
   * @param {Dryad} dryad
   * @param {String} parentId
   * @param {Integer} childIndex
   * @param {Object} memo - for internal usage during recursion
   * @returns {Object}
  _makeTree(dryad, parentId, childIndex=0, memo={}) {
    if (!dryad.isDryad) {
      console.error('Not a dryad', dryad);
      throw new Error('Not a Dryad:' + dryad);
    // Copy seenTypes, pass it to your children
    // Each branch sees a different descendent list
    memo.seenTypes = memo.seenTypes ? memo.seenTypes.slice() : [];

    if (memo.skipRequireParentOf === dryad) {
      delete memo.skipRequireParentOf;
    } else {
      let rq = dryad.requireParent();
      if (rq) {
        if (!_.contains(memo.seenTypes, rq)) {
          // fetch the parent class from dryadTypes registery by name
          if (!this.getClass) {
            throw new Error('A getClass lookup was not provided to DryadTree and ' + dryad.constructor.name + ' needs one for requireParent()');
          let requiredParent = new (this.getClass(rq))({}, [dryad]);
          memo.skipRequireParentOf = dryad;
          return this._makeTree(requiredParent, parentId, childIndex, memo);

    let id = parentId ? parentId + '.' + childIndex : '0';
    let context = this._createContext(dryad, id, parentId, this.rootContext);
    this.dryads[id] = dryad;
    this.contexts[id] = context;

    let makeSubgraph = (dr) => {
      let subgraph = dr.subgraph();
      if (subgraph) {
        context.subgraph = {};
        let subMemo = _.clone(memo);
        // When and if this dryad appears in its own subgraph
        // then do not call subgraph() on that. It will just
        // do prepare/add/remove on its own self.
        subMemo.skipSubgraphOf = dryad;
        // objects in subgraph will store references to themselves
        // in this dryad's context because of this memo flag:
        subMemo.subgraphOfId = id;
        // if its an array then should have been supplied in a Branch
        if (Array.isArray(subgraph)) {
          throw new Error('Dryad subgraph should return a single Dryad with children.' + dr + subgraph);
        return this._makeTree(subgraph, id, 'subgraph', subMemo);

    if (memo.skipSubgraphOf) {
      if (memo.skipSubgraphOf === dryad) {
        // may still be subgraph children to come
        delete memo.skipSubgraphOf;
      } else {
        // This dryad is in a subgraph of another
        // store self and context in that parent's context
        // under the dryad.tag or create a unique id
        if (memo.subgraphOfId) {
          this.contexts[memo.subgraphOfId].subgraph[dryad.tag || id] = {
            dryad: dryad,
            context: context

        let subgraph = makeSubgraph(dryad);
        if (subgraph) {
          return subgraph;
    } else {
      let subgraph = makeSubgraph(dryad);
      if (subgraph) {
        return subgraph;

    let dryadType = dryad.constructor.name;

    return {
      id: id,
      type: dryadType,
      // don't want Dryads from properties
      // they should be in subgraph
      // but there should be some comparable data dump of them
      // for diffing
      // properties: _convertObject(dryad.properties, dryad.id, 0, memo),
      // parent: this.contexts[parentId],
      children: this._convertObject(dryad.children, id, childIndex, memo)

   * private.
   * Calls the appropriate method on the dryad.children
   * Currently it can only be an Array and all the children
   * must be a Dryad.
   * It will be used for including the properties in the tree
   * for use in diffing. If there are any Dryad in the properties
   * then the Dryad class is currently responsible for returning those
   * in subgraph() so they get launched.
   * @param {Dryad|Array|Object|String|Number|undefined} obj
  _convertObject(obj, parentId, childIndex=0, memo={}) {
    if (obj.isDryad) {
      return this._makeTree(obj, parentId, childIndex, memo);
    if (_.isArray(obj)) {
      return _.map(obj, (pp, ii) => {
        return this._convertObject(pp, parentId, ii, memo);
    if (_.isObject(obj)) {
      return _.mapObject(obj, (pp, key) => {
        return this._convertObject(pp, parentId, key, memo);
    // should check that its a primitive type
    return obj;