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Each of the clients in the following examples included dist/netflux.es5.umd.min.js script in his browser. Thus Netflux is available under global netflux variable.

3 browsers/clients

Peers A, B and C will constitute a peer to peer network. We suppose that all of them using the default Signaling server provided by Netflux.

A creates the network:

// Creates network with default settings
let network = netflux.create();

// When a message  has arrived from the network
network.onMessage = (peerId, msg, isBroadcast) => {
  // do something...

// When a new peer has joined the network
network.onPeerJoin = (peerId) => {
  // do something...

// When one of the network members has left
network.onPeerLeave = (peerId) => {
  // do something...

// Allows other peers to join this network
  .then(({key}) => {
    // Other peers can now join this network

A gives B the key. B joins the network:

// Creates network with default settings
let network = netflux.create();

network.onMessage = (peerId, msg, isBroadcast) => { /* do something... */};

network.onPeerJoin = (peerId) => { /* do something... */};

network.onPeerLeave = (peerId) => { /* do something... */};

// Joins the network with the key provided by A
  .then(() => {
      B has joined successfully.
      From now onPeerJoin handler will be called in A's browser and
      onPeerJoin handler will be called in B's browser too
      (because of A who is already the network member).

A or B gives C the key. C joins the network, then he sends one message to all member and one private message to B:

// Creates network with default settings
let network = netflux.create();

network.onMessage = (peerId, msg, isBroadcast) => { /* do something... */};

network.onPeerJoin = (peerId) => { /* do something... */};

network.onPeerLeave = (peerId) => { /* do something... */};

// Joins the network with the key provided by A
  .then(() => {
      C has joined successfully.
      From now onPeerJoin handler will be called in A's browser once, in B's
      browser once and in C's browser twice (because of A and B).

    // C sends a message to all network members
    network.send('Hello everyone! It is C.')

    // C sends a private message to B
    network.sendTo(idOfB, 'Pss, B, you know, A cannot hear us!')