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import ServiceFactory, {WEB_SOCKET, CHANNEL_BUILDER, FULLY_CONNECTED} from 'ServiceFactory'
import WebChannel from 'WebChannel'
import Util from 'Util'


 * BotServer can listen on web socket. A peer can invite bot to join his `WebChannel`.
 * He can also join one of the bot's `WebChannel`.
class BotServer {

   * Bot server settings are the same as for `WebChannel` (see {@link WebChannelSettings}),
   * plus `host` and `port` parameters.
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {WEB_RTC|WEB_SOCKET} [options.connector=WEB_SOCKET] Which connector is preferable during connection establishment
   * @param {FULLY_CONNECTED} [options.topology=FULLY_CONNECTED] Fully connected topology is the only one available for now
   * @param {string} [options.signalingURL='wss://sigver-coastteam.rhcloud.com:8443'] Signaling server url
   * @param {RTCIceServer} [options.iceServers=[{urls:'stun:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com'}]] Set of ice servers for WebRTC
   * @param {string} [options.host='localhost']
   * @param {number} [options.port=9000]
  constructor (options = {}) {
     * Default settings.
     * @private
     * @type {Object}
    this.defaultSettings = {
      connector: WEB_SOCKET,
      topology: FULLY_CONNECTED,
      signalingURL: 'wss://sigver-coastteam.rhcloud.com:8443',
      iceServers: [
        {urls: 'stun:turn01.uswest.xirsys.com'}
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 9000

     * @private
     * @type {Object}
    this.settings = Object.assign({}, this.defaultSettings, options)
    this.settings.listenOn = `ws://${this.settings.host}:${this.settings.port}`

     * @type {WebSocketServer}
    this.server = null

     * @type {WebChannel[]}
    this.webChannels = []

     * @type {function(wc: WebChannel)}
    this.onWebChannel = () => {}

   * Starts listen on socket.
   * @returns {Promise<undefined,string>}
  start () {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const WebSocketServer = Util.require('ws').Server
      this.server = new WebSocketServer({
        host: this.settings.host,
        port: this.settings.port
      }, resolve)

      for (let wc of this.webChannels) {
        wc.settings.listenOn = this.settings.listenOn

      this.server.on('error', (err) => {
        console.error('Server error: ', err)
        for (let wc of this.webChannels) {
          wc.settings.listenOn = ''
        reject(`Server error: ${err.messsage}`)

      this.server.on('connection', ws => {
        ws.onmessage = msgEvt => {
          try {
            const msg = JSON.parse(msgEvt.data)
            if ('join' in msg) {
              const wc = this.getWebChannel(msg.join)
              if (wc === null) {
                ws.send(JSON.stringify({isKeyOk: false}))
              } else {
                ws.send(JSON.stringify({isKeyOk: true, useThis: true}))
            } else if ('wcId' in msg) {
              let wc = this.getWebChannel(msg.wcId)
              if ('senderId' in msg) {
                if (wc !== null) {
                  ServiceFactory.get(CHANNEL_BUILDER).onChannel(wc, ws, msg.senderId)
                } else {
                  ws.close(WEB_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND, `${msg.wcId} webChannel was not found (message received from ${msg.senderId})`)
                  console.error(`${msg.wcId} webChannel was not found (message received from ${msg.senderId})`)
              } else {
                if (wc === null) {
                  wc = new WebChannel(this.settings)
                  wc.id = msg.wcId
                  wc.join(ws).then(() => { this.onWebChannel(wc) })
                } else if (wc.members.length === 0) {
                  wc = new WebChannel(this.settings)
                  wc.id = msg.wcId
                  wc.join(ws).then(() => { this.onWebChannel(wc) })
                } else {
                  console.error(`Bot refused to join ${msg.wcId} webChannel, because it is already in use`)
          } catch (err) {
            ws.close(MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR, `Unsupported message type: ${err.message}`)
            console.error(`Unsupported message type: ${err.message}`)

   * Stops listen on web socket.
  stop () {
    for (let wc of this.webChannels) {
      wc.settings.listenOn = ''

   * Get `WebChannel` identified by its `id`.
   * @param {number} id
   * @returns {WebChannel|null}
  getWebChannel (id) {
    for (let wc of this.webChannels) {
      if (id === wc.id) return wc
    return null

   * Add `WebChannel`.
   * @param {WebChannel} wc
  addWebChannel (wc) {
    this.webChannels[this.webChannels.length] = wc

   * Remove `WebChannel`
   * @param {WebChannel} wc
  removeWebChannel (wc) {
    this.webChannels.splice(this.webChannels.indexOf(wc), 1)

export default BotServer