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'use strict';

import { Lexer, Token } from '../Lexer';

 * The botlang parser for creating the abstract syntax tree.
class Parser {
   * Create a Parser.
   * @param {Lexer} lexer
   * @throws {TypeError}
  constructor(lexer) {
    if (!(lexer instanceof Lexer)) {
      throw new TypeError('Argument "lexer" must be an instance of type "Lexer".');

     * @private
     * @type {Lexer}
    this.lexer = lexer;

     * @private
     * @type {Array}
    this.syntaxTree = [];

     * @private
     * @type {Integer}
    this.syntaxTreeIndex = 0;

   * @private
   * @return {Object|null}
  getLastNode() {
    return 'undefined' !== typeof this.syntaxTree[this.syntaxTreeIndex - 1]
      ? this.syntaxTree[this.syntaxTreeIndex - 1]
      : null;

   * @private
   * @param  {Token} token
   * @return {Boolean}
  static isResponse(token) {
    return token instanceof Token && 'operation' === token.getType() && '-' === token.getValue();

   * @private
   * @param  {Token} token
   * @return {Boolean}
  static isTrigger(token) {
    return token instanceof Token && 'operation' === token.getType() && '+' === token.getValue();

   * Parse input and return abstract syntax tree (AST)
   * @return {Object}
  parse() {
    while (!this.lexer.eof()) {
      const token = this.lexer.next();
      if (!(token instanceof Token)) {

      if (Parser.isTrigger(token)) {

      if (Parser.isResponse(token) && 'trigger' === this.getLastNode().type) {

    return {
      type : 'program',
      body : this.syntaxTree

   * @private
   * @return {Object}
  parseTrigger() {
    const trigger = this.lexer.next();
    let pattern = '';

    if ('string' !== trigger.getType()) {
      return this.lexer.inputError('Expected trigger pattern after trigger identifier.');

    pattern = Parser.replaceWildcard(trigger.getValue());
    pattern = Parser.replaceStringSubstitution(pattern);

    return {
      type      : 'trigger',
      src       : trigger.getValue(),
      responses : []

   * @private
   * @return {Object}
  parseResponse() {
    const response = this.lexer.next();
    if ('string' !== response.getType()) {
      this.lexer.inputError('Expected string after response identifier.');

    return {
      type  : 'response',
      value : response.getValue()

   * @private
   * @param  {Object} node
   * @return {void}
  pushNodeToSyntaxTree(node) {
    this.syntaxTreeIndex += 1;

   * Replace string substitution [$] character
   * @param  {String} string
   * @return {String}
  static replaceStringSubstitution(string) {
    return string.replace(/(\s?)\$(\s?)/g, '\\s?(\\w+?)\\s?');

   * Replace wildcard [*] character
   * @param  {String} string
   * @return {String}
  static replaceWildcard(string) {
    return string.replace(/(\s?)\*(\s?)/g, '(\\w?)');

export default Parser;