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export default {
  'fileSignature': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 0,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string',
    // Game build is a later property and not yet defined, so the section will need to be determined without it
    getSection() {
      return 1;
  'saveGameVersion': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'int',
    // Game build is a later property and not yet defined, so the section will need to be determined without it
    getSection() {
      return 1;
  // This property is updated if the game is saved with a newer version of Civ 5
  'gameVersion': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 8,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '230620': 1
    'type': 'string',
    // Game build is a later property and not yet defined, so the section will need to be determined without it
    getSection(saveGameVersion) {
      if (saveGameVersion >= 7) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return null;
  // This property is updated if the game is saved with a newer version of Civ 5. The build of Civ 5 that was originally
  // used when the save file was created is stored later, after gameOptionsMap.
  'gameBuild': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '230620': 1
    'type': 'string',
    // Game build is not yet defined, so the section will need to be determined without it
    getSection(saveGameVersion) {
      if (saveGameVersion >= 7) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return null;
  'currentTurn': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'int'
  // This property exists in all versions but only seems to gain significance around build 230620
  'gameMode': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'int',
    'values': [
      'Single player',
  'player1Civilization': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'difficulty': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'startingEra': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'currentEra': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'gamePace': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'mapSize': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  // The map file appears multiple times; I have no idea why (see section19Map)
  'mapFile': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'string'
  'enabledDLC': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'dlcStringArray'
  'enabledMods': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 1
    'type': 'modsStringArray'
  // Players after the first player marked as none seem to be superfluous
  // See SlotStatus in the SDK: CvGameCoreSource/CvGameCoreDLLUtil/include/CvEnums.h
  'playerStatuses': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    // Length is number of items, not bytes
    'length': 64,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 4
    'type': 'intArray',
    'values': [
  // Starting with build 310700 this is a list of strings. Before that I'm not sure if it's a list of bytes or not there
  // at all
  'playerCivilizations': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    // Length is number of items, not bytes
    'length': 64,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '310700': 8
    'type': 'stringArray'
  // This seems to be very rare (https://github.com/bmaupin/civ5save-editor/issues/6)
  'section19SkipPlayer1Leader': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'string'
  'section19Skip1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 252,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'bytes'
  // This is rare but seems to contain the full path to the save file, e.g.
  // C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\multi\auto\AutoSave_0310 AD-2030.Civ5Save
  'section19SkipSavePath': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'string'
  // This appears to contain the current OS username
  'section19SkipUsername': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'string'
  'section19Skip2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 7,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'bytes'
  'section19Map': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'string'
  'section19Skip3': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'bytes'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'maxTurns': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 17,
      '262623': 18,
      '395070': 19
    'type': 'int'
  // This seems to be the second place in the file with player names
  'playerNames2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    // Length is number of items, not bytes
    'length': 64,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 21,
      '262623': 22,
      '395070': 23
    'type': 'stringArray'
  'section23Skip1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 21,
      '262623': 22,
      '395070': 23
    'type': 'int'
  // https://steamcommunity.com/app/8930/discussions/0/864973761026018000/#c619568192863618582
  'turnTimerLength': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 4,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 21,
      '262623': 22,
      '395070': 23
    'type': 'int'
  'playerColours': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    // Length is number of items, not bytes
    'length': 64,
    // This is technically incorrect; before build 310700 this property exists, but it's a list of bytes instead of a
    // list of strings, and there isn't much value in adding the extra complexity for old save games. For reference, the
    // correct values are:
    //  '98650': 23,
    //  '262623': 24,
    //  '395070': 25
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '310700': 24,
      '395070': 25
    'type': 'stringArray'
  // https://github.com/Canardlaquay/Civ5SavePrivate
  'privateGame': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    // As with playerColours, this is technically incorrect, but there isn't much value in implementing this for older
    // games because 1. it would require implementing playerColours and 2. it's only relevant for multiplayer games,
    // however logic for identifying multiplayer games before build 230620 hasn't been implemented (see gameMode)
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '310700': 24,
      '395070': 25
    'type': 'bool'
  'section29Skip1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bytes',
    getLength(enabledDLC, enabledMods) {
      let length = 265;
      if (enabledMods.includes('(1) Community Patch')) {
        // Account for 0xDEADBEEF and mod version number (https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/blob/72137235dbab0c78d0c65a4b2ea33bad85b9ef61/CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2/CustomMods.h#L1334)
        length += 8;
      return length;
  'section29Timer1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'string'
  'section29Skip2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 12,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bytes'
  'section29TurnTimer': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'string'
  'section29TxtKeyTurnTimer': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'string'
  'section29Timer2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'string'
  'section29Skip3': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 25,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bytes'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'timeVictory': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bool'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'scienceVictory': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bool'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'dominationVictory': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bool'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'culturalVictory': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bool'
  // https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/273907/154341
  'diplomaticVictory': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 1,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 27,
      '262623': 28,
      '395070': 29
    'type': 'bool'
  'section30Skip1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': 4,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'bytes',
    getLength(enabledDLC, enabledMods) {
      let length = 72;
      if (enabledDLC.includes('Expansion - Gods and Kings') || enabledDLC.includes('Expansion - Brave New World')) {
        length += 4;
      if (enabledMods.includes('(1) Community Patch')) {
        // Account for 0xDEADBEEF and mod version number (https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/blob/72137235dbab0c78d0c65a4b2ea33bad85b9ef61/CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2/CustomMods.h#L1334)
        length += 8;
      return length;
  'section30MapSize1': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'string'
  'section30TxtKeyMapHelp': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'string'
  'section30Skip2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': 8,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'bytes'
  'section30MapSize2': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'string'
  'section30TxtKeyMapSize': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'string'
  'section30MapSize3': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'string'
  // A bunch of map properties which differ based on the map size, 4 bytes per property
  // See CvWorldInfo::readFrom in the SDK: CvGameCoreSource/CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2/CvInfos.cpp for the order of values
  // See steamassets/assets/dlc/expansion2/gameplay/xml/gameinfo/civ5worlds.xml for values based on map size
  'worldInfo': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'bytes',
    getLength(enabledDLC, enabledMods) {
      let length = 72;
      if (enabledDLC.includes('Expansion - Brave New World')) {
        // Brave New World added MaxActiveReligions and NumCitiesTechCostMod
        length += 8;
      } else if (enabledDLC.includes('Expansion - Gods and Kings')) {
        // Gods and Kings added MaxActiveReligions
        length += 4;
      // Community Patch adds multiple new properties
      // See CvWorldInfo::readFrom in https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/blob/master/CvGameCoreDLL_Expansion2/CvInfos.cpp
      if (enabledMods.includes('(1) Community Patch')) {
        length += 20;
      return length;
  // This is where a large chunk of game options are stored
  // (http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Module:Data/Civ5/BNW/GameOptions)
  'gameOptionsMap': {
    'byteOffsetInSection': null,
    'length': null,
    'sectionByBuild': {
      '98650': 28,
      '262623': 29,
      '395070': 30
    'type': 'stringToBoolMap'