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A Module-Based NodeJS Web Application Framework in ES6

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npm i -g angie
angie help

If you want your files to automatically refresh with the angie watch command, run this from the root of the Angie package:

chmod +x script/watchman.sh && ./script/watchman.sh

or install Facebook Watchman from the instructions here.


Angie is an MVC that runs in NodeJS designed with AngularJS in mind. It allows you to create web applications by routing requests to controllers and directives and referencing data models in a fashion similar to how you would using AngularJS. Although the naming and providers are different, the goals and best practices are the same.

Angie is simple to use, flexible, and lightweight and offers a holistic approach to JavaScript across the stack.

For more details on how to get started, please see the Quickstart section. For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please see the FAQ and the CHANGELOG for an up to date list of changes. AngularJS is in no way used or affiliated with this project.


It's easy to contribute to the Angie framework:

- Feature requests should be made through the [issues](https://github.com/angie-framework/angie-injector/issues "issues") section of this repository.
- Issues should be logged through the [issues](https://github.com/angie-framework/angie-injector/issues "issues") tab as well.
- Ancillary functionality can be added to Angie in a package. You may use the [Angie Package Template](https://github.com/angie-framework/angie-package-template "Angie Package Template") as a bootstrapped dependency package template.

Contributors to this Project are outlined in the CONTRIBUTORS file.


Write components & modules like you would in AngularJS

Angie lets you create modules the way you would on the front end to serve as Controllers, directives, services, and Models on the back end. Both 1.x and 2.x AngularJS flavor syntax is supported.

Easy to use CLI

Scaffold a new project, run a web server, sync your database, migrate your models, open an Angie shell, and more all from the command line.


Angie allows you to define dependencies to inject services straight into your application from any other Angie application. In the AngieFile.json created when you scaffold an app is a "dependencies" section. Add the absolute path of another Angie project to this list and when the app is bootstrapped, it will give you access to any of the code you have created in the dependency application.

Flexible ORM

Angie makes creating & maintaining data models across many different databases easy. Add your configuration options to a configuration file, sync your database and perform CRUDdy operations with ease. Support for more databases is being added all the time. For more information on the ORM, please visit the Angie ORM Repository


The entire application documentation can be found here.


Angie is designed predominately to be used with versions of iojs-2.0.0+. I recommend using nvm. to manage your NodeJS versions. It cannot be downloaded via NPM: nvm. It will also work with all 0.12.x versions of NodeJS, but I am advising using these versions with caution, predominately as a byproduct of NPM package version installation dependencies. You can also try it with the newest NodeJS, but many packages are broken, so I'm not recommending it at this point. Switching in between versions after an Angie installation will cause module dependency mismatches. Future versions of Angie will run exclusively on NodeJS 4.x+.

It is also worth mentioning beforehand that Angie supports writing all of the syntax in this document in an ES6 fashion as well. Models can be instantiated as classes, and imports can be performed instead of references to the global.app object.

This tutorial should take about 15 minutes in its entirety.

First, We're Going to Need Some Packages!

In the directory you would like your project to live, please run the following command:

npm install -g babel gulp-cli angie
angie createProject [name] [location]

Where NPM installs the Babel, Gulp, and Angie packages globally and where this Angie command creates a project in your current directory or passed (location) directory by the name entered. Not specifying a project name or specifying a location that is invalid will throw an error. To see a full list of Angie commands, use the following:

angie help

Hopefully by now, you've got a scaffolded project. If so, it's possible to start building our app.

We can test that the application runs successfully by running the following command at the root of our application.

angie watch 3000

Once your server is running, you should visit the webserver started at localhost (provided you used port 3000 as opposed to another port). If you see the text "Angie Test Page," all is well.

Now We Can Write Some Code!

I like to encourage developer behavior whenever possible. Therefore, for the time being, it is not possible to load modules outside of the folders which have been scaffolded. That is to say that modules outside of these folders will not be loaded. However, any type of module can live in any of the prescribed folders.

Let's start by setting up some routes! In the configs directory, "src/configs", create a file called routes.config.js. Add the following code to that file:

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.when('/test', {
        templatePath: 'index.html'

This block should look somewhat familiar to you if you have written an AngularJS application. If you have not, I recommend looking into AngularJS. What we have just done is set up a custom route in our Angie application. To make sure that Angie knows where to find this route let's also add a file to our "template" directory. This directory was automatically added to your application when it was scaffolded.

cd templates
echo test >> index.html

This should have created a file called index.html in your templates folder. Because the templates directory is already included in our AngieFile.json, we do not need to tell the application where to find this template file. However, if we were to add the file in templates/html, we would need to specify this directory under templateDirs in the scaffolded AngieFile.json.

If you visit that route in your browser, you should now see the file you created. Simple web server: check. Now, let's get a little fancy... just a little. Open the index.html file you just created and triple bracket "test":


In Angie templates triple brackets are compiled. We can now configure a scope with which to compile this template. We will first need a controller. From the application root, navigate to the src/controllers folder. Once there, create a file called test.ctrl.js to which we will add the following:

app.Controller('TestCtrl', function($scope, $request) {
    $scope.foo = $request.query.test || 'test';

Now that we have a Controller, we can update our route to reference it.

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.when('/test', {
        templatePath: 'index.html'
        Controller: 'TestCtrl'

With that in place, if you visit the same route as before you should see the text "test," but if you visit the route with an added query param, test=angie you should see the text "angie". We have modified our scope to reflect the scope property "test," which is subsequently compiled into the template before a response is returned.

Angie will parse any expression included in triple brackets. If your expression is not interpreted, most likely because you referenced a property that did not actually exist on your scope, the triple bracketed expression will be replaced by an empty string.

It is worth noting that deep routes and RegExp routes can also be written! Each deep property that is not a $routeProvider keyword will be added as a route:

app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.when('/test', {
        templatePath: 'index.html'
        Controller: 'testCtrl',
        '/([A-Za-z0-9])/': {
            templatePath: 'nextIndex.html'

In this context, the route matching the RegExp /test\/([A-Za-z0-9])\/ will be followed and the match pattern (the RegExp clause of the route) will be passed to the request.query of the request as params with keys 0-4 (up to five patterns will be matched). More details on this are available in the documentation.

Adding Template Complexity with Directives

Directives can be used to modify the content of your routed controller in many ways. Whether you provide a template via template or templatePath to a Controller, post process compilation will occur on that template in the context of the Controller provided $scope. Default directives are prefaced with "ngie".

In the example above, we used a very simple compilation to replace a single triple bracketed statement with a value. Let us now define a directive to do a little bit more work in our template. For this, we will define a directive.

First, let us create a sub template, directive.html, to which we will add the following html:


Ok, we now have two templates and one endpoint. It can be useful to have many templates which feed into the context of a single route for the sake of reuse (reduce, reuse, recycle)! Let's do something with the template we just created.

From the application root, navigate to the src/directives folder. Once there, create a file called test.directive.js to which we will add the following:

app.directive('TestDir', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'C',
        templatePath: 'directive.html'

This is a very simple directive which will compile and load the contents of the directive.html into any element on which it is specified. Note that this is a function, but one could declare a class to perform the same task. Back in our index.html file, let's add the following code:

<div class='test-dir'>

We've declared the directive as "C" or "Class restrictive" which implies that we can only declare it as a class. If we wanted, we could also declare it as "A" or "Attribute restrictive", "E or Element restrictive", or any combination of the three (I never understood why anyone would want to conflate HTML comments with parsed HTML content and therefore the "M" functionality of AngularJS is not supported in Angie directives).

This is great, you should be able to load the same route as before without any issues. However, you will quickly notice that our addition of the TestDir directive did nothing. Why? $scope.bar is undefined. To demonstrate the functionality of directive link functions, I will define the $scope.bar property as a byproduct of the directives associated link function. The directive link function is a function that fires every time a directive is referenced and loaded into the template, but before it is compiled.

Back in our test.directive.js file, add the following to the directive we just defined:

// app.directive('TestDir', function() {
    // return {
        // restrict: 'C',
        // templatePath: 'directive.html',
        link: function($scope) {
            $scope.bar = 'bar';
    // };
// });

Bear in mind two things here:

Opening the very same endpoint as before, you should now see the text foo bar.

Getting Started with Models!

Communicating with data models is a quintessential part of using an MVC. Nevertheless, the Angie ORM is not included by default. To use the ORM, simply install it:

npm install angie-orm

anf include angie-orm as a dependency in your AngieFile.json.

Next we will set up a very simple Model. Angie Models are very different from AngularJS models in the sense that they are actually database objects as opposed to front end data models. The databases which communicate with the Angie ORM are all configured in the AngieFile.json.

All of the following code is required into the Angie project from the Angie ORM Repository and outlined in additional detail on that repository's site.

To create a new database connection, we add an object to our AngieFile.json under the "databases" property under a key that represents the database name. One should already exist as a result of the scaffold.

"testCtrl": {
  "type": "sqlite3",
  "name": "projectName.db"

However, no database is created until it is synced. For more information about what options are required by a specific database type or whether a database is supported, please see the documentation.

Now let's create our database by running the "sync" command:

angie syncdb [database name]

Note that the command above takes an optional database option. This is not required if we are syncing our default database. Also, note that we haven't actually created any models. Let's create one now. In the scaffolded folder src/Models create a file called test.model.js. In this file, we will create our model.

app.Model('TestAngie', function($fields) {
   let obj = {};
   obj.name = 'test_angie';
   obj.name = new $fields.CharField({
       minLength: 1,
       maxLength: 50,
       unique: true

If you run the "syncdb" command once more, it will add a model to our database with the name "test_angie", which is a horrible naming convention, but we are using it for demonstratory purposes. Feel free to change this at your leisure. Without the "name" property, this model would be named "TestAngie". The $fields service is automatically passed into the model. It gives the model access to all the available field types We've added a CharField to our model. The $fields service supports all of the fields you may want to use in your project. See the documentation for a full list.

Now for the fun part, we are going to create a record in our database and then get that record to render in our previously created template. Open up a sqlite shell using the following command:

sqlite3 < [database name] # Do not forget the .db!

After the database shell opens, run the following command and then quit the shell.

INSERT INTO test_angie (username) VALUES ('blah');

We are finally ready to revisit our Controller. In the test.ctrl.js we created before replace the $scope assignment of "test" with the following code:

    rows: 1,
    head: true,
    username: 'blah',
    database: 'default'
}).then(function(queryset) {
    $scope.test = queryset[0].username;

Now, if you revisit our former test page you should see the text "blah." Note that our Controller can be asynchronous or synchronous, but if it operates in an async fashion, it must resolve. It can resolve based on the very last argument passed to the Controller, or the done method on app.Controller or $response.Controller.

This concludes the Angie Quickstart! I hope you enjoyed building your very own backend app with Angie. Feel free to let me know what you think about the library or any issues in this repository.