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import {Fincontract} from 'fincontracts-lib/src/fincontract.js'
public class | source


Fincontract describes an instance of a Fincontract in memory. It is usually fetched from the blockchain using Fetcher#pullFincontract. Its description can be also constructed using Parser#parse

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(kwargs: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members

32-byte blockchain deployed ID


32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who the Fincontract was issued for


32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who owns the Fincontract


32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who is the proposed owner, an account that can join (see Executor#join) the Fincontract


Root of the description tree

Public Constructors

public constructor(kwargs: Object) source


kwargs Object
kwargs.id String

32-byte blockchain deployed ID

kwargs.owner String

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who owns the Fincontract

kwargs.issuer String

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who the Fincontract was issued for

kwargs.proposedOwner String

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who is the proposed owner, an account that can join (see Executor#join) the Fincontract

kwargs.rootDescription FincNode

root of the description tree

Public Members

public id: String source

32-byte blockchain deployed ID

public issuer: String source

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who the Fincontract was issued for

public owner: String source

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who owns the Fincontract

public proposedOwner: String source

32-byte address of an Ethereum account, who is the proposed owner, an account that can join (see Executor#join) the Fincontract

public rootDescription: FincNode source

Root of the description tree