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import fs from 'fs';

export default class Importer {

    constructor () {


     * `require`s every module in the given array, returns an object where the required objects are attached
     * @param {array} modules - module paths
     * @param {object} attach - where the required files should be attached
     * @return {object} - required modules
    load (modules, attach = {}) {
        if (!Array.isArray(modules)) {
            modules = [modules];

        modules.forEach((a) => {
            const varname = a.split('|');

            attach[varname[1] || a.split('/').pop()] =
                varname.length > 2
                    ? require(varname[0])()
                    : require(varname[0]);

        return attach;

     * requires every js file inside the given folder, fires callback with 2 arguments, error and the object where the required objects are attached
     * @param {string} path - folder path
     * @param {function} callback - receives 2 arguments, error and object
     * @param {object} attach - where the required files should be attached
     * @return undefined
    dirload (path, cb, imports = {}) {

        function start () {
            path = path.replace(/\/$/, '');
            fs.readdir(path, require_all_js);

        function require_all_js (err, files) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err);

            files.forEach((file) => {
                if (file.slice(-3) !== '.js') {

                file = file.slice(0, -3);
                imports[file] = require(path + '/' + file);

            cb(null, imports);


     * Requires every js file inside the given folder, return object where the required objects are attached
     * @param {string} path - folder path
     * @param {object} attach - where the required files should be attached
     * @return {object}
    dirloadSync (path, attach = {}) {
        function start (_path, imports) {
            const files = fs.readdirSync(_path);
            let len = files.length;
            let file;

            while (len--) {
                file = files[len];

                if (file.slice(-3) !== '.js') {
                    if (fs.statSync(_path + '/' + file).isDirectory()) {
                        imports[file] = {};
                        start(_path + '/' + file, imports[file]);


                file = file.slice(0, -3);
                imports[file] = require(_path + '/' + file);

            return imports;

        return start(path.replace(/\/$/, ''), attach);