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 * @external {WritableStream} https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html

 * convert the HTML element to Markdown.
 * @typedef {Object} MdConverter
 * @property {String|Array|Function} filter      Filter to check the HTML tags.
 * @property {Function}              replacement Function to replace the DOM Node.

  * Optional settings of this tool.
  * @typedef {Object} Option
  * @property {Boolean}   gmf        Enable a GitHub Flavored Markdown. Default is disable.
  * @property {Converter} converters Extended converter collection.

 * Commad line options.
 * @typedef {Object} CLIOptions
 * @property {Boolean} help     Mode to display the help text.
 * @property {Boolean} version  Mode to display the version number.
 * @property {String}  input    Path of the SVG file or PNG file directory.
 * @property {String}  output   Path of the output directory.
 * @property {Boolean} noGFM    Disable a GitHub Flavored Markdown. Default is enable.
 * @property {Boolean} noMELink Disable a GitHub Extra link on header. Default is enable.
 * @property {Boolean} report   Display the process reports. Default is disable.