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const Path = require( 'path' );

 * Help text.
 * @type {[type]}
const HelpText =
Usage: wpxml2md [OPTIONS]

  Convert the WordPress XML file to Markdown files.

    -h, --help    Display this text.

    -v, --version Display the version number.

    -i, --input   Path of the XML file exported from WordPress.

    -o, --output  Path of the output directory.

    -m, --modes   Specify the mode in the comma separated.
                  "no-gfm" is to disable the GitHub Flavored Markdown
                  "no-melink" is to disable the Markdown Extra link on header

    -r, --report  Display the process reports.
                  Default is disable.

    $ wpxml2md -i wordpress.xml -o ./dist -r
    $ wpxml2md -i wordpress.xml -o ./dist -m no-gfm,no-melink -r

  See also:

 * CLI options.
 * @type {Object}
const Options = {
  help:    [ '-h', '--help' ],
  version: [ '-v', '--version' ],
  input:   [ '-i', '--input' ],
  output:  [ '-o', '--output' ],
  modes:   [ '-m', '--modes' ],
  report:  [ '-r', '--report' ]

 * Output modes.
 * @type {Object}
const Modes = {
  noGFM: 'no-gfm',
  noMELink: 'no-melink'

 * Provides a command line interface.
class CLI {
   * Parse for the command line argumens.
   * @param {Array.<String>} argv Arguments of the command line.
   * @return {CLIOptions} Parse results.
  static parseArgv( argv ) {
    if( !( argv && 0 < argv.length ) ) {
      return { help: true };

    switch( argv[ 0 ] ) {
      case Options.help[ 0 ]:
      case Options.help[ 1 ]:
        return { help: true };

      case Options.version[ 0 ]:
      case Options.version[ 1 ]:
        return { version: true };

        return CLI._parseArgv( argv );

   * Print a help text.
   * @param {WritableStream} stdout Standard output.
  static printHelp( stdout ) {
    stdout.write( HelpText );

   * Print a version number.
   * @param {WritableStream} stdout Standard output.
  static printVersion( stdout ) {
    const read = ( path ) => {
      try {
        return require( path ).version;
      } catch( err ) {
        return null;

    const version = read( '../package.json' ) || read( '../../package.json' );
    stdout.write( 'v' + version + '\n' );

   * Check that it is an option value.
   * @param {String} value Value.
   * @return {Boolean} If the option of the value "true".
  static _isValue( value ) {
    const keys = Object.keys( Options );
    return !( keys.some( ( key ) => value === Options[ key ][ 0 ] || value === Options[ key ][ 1 ] ) );

   * Parse for the command line argumens.
   * @param {Array.<String>} argv Arguments of the command line.
   * @return {CLIOptions} Parse results.
  static _parseArgv( argv ) {
    const options = {};
    let   value   = null;

    argv.forEach( ( arg, index ) => {
      switch( arg ) {
        case Options.input[ 0 ]:
        case Options.input[ 1 ]:
          value = CLI._parseArgValue( argv, index );
          if( value ) { options.input = Path.resolve( value ); }

        case Options.output[ 0 ]:
        case Options.output[ 1 ]:
          value = CLI._parseArgValue( argv, index );
          if( value ) { options.output = Path.resolve( value ); }

        case Options.report[ 0 ]:
        case Options.report[ 1 ]:
          options.report = true;

        case Options.modes[ 0 ]:
        case Options.modes[ 1 ]:
          value = CLI._parseArgValue( argv, index );
          if( value ) {
            const modes = CLI._parseModes( value );
            options.noGFM    = modes.noGFM;
            options.noMELink = modes.noMELink;

    } );

    return options;

   * Parse for option value.
   * @param {Array.<String>} argv  Arguments of the command line.
   * @param {Number}         index Index of argumens.
   * @return {String} Its contents if the option value, otherwise null.
  static _parseArgValue( argv, index ) {
    if( !( index + 1 < argv.length ) ) { return null; }

    const value = argv[ index + 1 ];
    return ( CLI._isValue( value ) ? value : null );

   * Parse for the mode option.
   * @param {String} arg Option.
   * @return {Object} Modes.
  static _parseModes( arg ) {
    const result = {};
    if( typeof arg !== 'string' ) { return result; }

    const units  = arg.split( ',' );
    units.forEach( ( unit ) => {
      switch( unit ) {
        case Modes.noGFM:
          result.noGFM = true;

        case Modes.noMELink:
          result.noMELink = true;

    } );

    return result;

module.exports = {
  HelpText: HelpText,
  Options: Options,
  Modes: Modes,