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import Moves from '../entities/creatures/moves/Moves.js';

export default class PlayerLocationView {
     * @class PlayerLocationView
     * @description View summarizing the tile where the player is standing
    constructor(sharedData) {
        const dom = this._dom = $('<div class="player-location-view">');
        this._sharedData = sharedData;


    update() {
        const sharedData = this._sharedData;
        const dungeon = sharedData.getDungeon();
        const player = dungeon.getPlayableCharacter();
        const tile = dungeon.getTile(player);

        /*const tileName = tile.constructor.name;
        const x = tile.getX();
        const y = tile.getY();*/

        const name = player.constructor.name;
        const hp = player.getCurrentHP();
        const baseHP = player.getBaseHP();
        const hpPercentage = Math.max(0, hp * 100 / baseHP);
        const mana = player.getCurrentMana();
        const baseMana = player.getBaseMana();
        const manaPercentage = Math.max(0, mana * 100 / baseMana);
        const time = player.getTimeToNextMove();
        const speed = player.getSpeed();
        const speedPercentage = Math.max(0, time * 100 / speed);

        const items = tile.getItems().map(function(item, index) {
            return {
                name: item.getName(),
                index: index,
                takeable: false // TODO: Change button to div

        const template = $(`
        <div role="presentation" class="portrait"></div>
        <div class="stat-block player">
            <div class="bar hp" title="Hitpoints">
                <span class="text">${hp} / ${baseHP}</span>
                <div class="inner" style="width: ${hpPercentage}%"></div>
            <div class="bar mana" title="Mana" data-has-mana="${baseMana > 0}">
                <div class="inner" style="width: ${manaPercentage}%"></div>
                <span class="text">${mana} / ${baseMana}</span>
            <!--div class="bar action" title="Ticks to Next Move">
                <div class="inner" style="width: ${speedPercentage}%"></div>
                <span class="text">${time} / ${speed}</span>
        <div class="items">
                <button class="item"
                    ${item.takeable ? '' : 'disabled'}


    getDom() {
        return this._dom[0];