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import Creature from '../entities/creatures/Creature.js';
import GameEvent from './GameEvent.js';

export default class PositionChangeEvent extends GameEvent {
      * @class PositionChangeEvent
      * @description Event fired whenever a Creature moves by means other than a MovementMove
    constructor(dungeon, creature, x, y) {
        if(!(creature instanceof Creature)) {
            throw new Error('First parameter must be a creature');
        } else if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
            throw new Error('Second and third parameters must be numbers');
        this._creature = creature;
        var location = dungeon.getTile(creature);
        this._from = Object.freeze({
            x: location.getX(),
            y: location.getY()
        this._to = Object.freeze({
            x: x,
            y: y

    getCreature() {
        return this._creature;

    getFromCoords() {
        return this._from;

    getToCoords() {
        return this._to;

    getText() {
        var to = this.getToCoords();
        return this._creature.getName() + ' position changed to (' + to.x + ', ' + to.y + ')';

    isSeenBy(dungeon, creature) {
        var from = this.getFromCoords();
        var to = this.getToCoords();
        return creature.canSee(dungeon, dungeon.getTile(from.x, from.y)) ||
                creature.canSee(dungeon, dungeon.getTile(to.x, to.y));