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import Observable from '../util/Observable.js';

import Dungeon from '../dungeons/Dungeon.js';

import Moves from '../entities/creatures/moves/Moves.js';

import GameEvents from '../events/GameEvents.js';

 * An object for decoupling the Dungeon from views and controllers
 * Holds the current Dungeon and acts as a proxy for the Dungeon's events.
 * Observers are notified whenever the Dungeon fires an event *or* when the
 * Dungeon itself switches.
 * Additionally, this class stores information that needs to be shared between
 * multiple views and controllers, such as the currently hovered tile
 * @todo Consider renaming this to `UiSharedData` or similar
export default class GraphicalViewSharedData extends Observable {
     * @param {Dungeon} [dungeon] - The initial dungeon for the views to show
    constructor(dungeon) {
        if(dungeon) {
        this._targettedAbilityIndex = null;
        this._targettedItemIndex = null;

        this.addObserver((event) => {
            // Whenever the player makes a move, cancel
            // any UI flows managed by the shared data
            if(event instanceof GameEvents.HumanMovingEvent) {

     * Changes the contained dungeon. Will notify observers of the change
     * @param {Dungeon} dungeon - The dungeon to replace the current dungeon
    setDungeon(dungeon) {
        if(!(dungeon instanceof Dungeon)) {
            throw new Error('Must pass a dungeon');
        // Clean up old observer
        if(typeof this._dungeonObserver === 'function') {
        // Chain observer so that UI doesn't need to store direct
        // reference to dungeon
        dungeon.addObserver(this._dungeonObserver = (event)=>this._notifyObservers(event));
        this._dungeon = dungeon;

     * Gets the currently held {@link Dungeon}
     * @return {Dungeon}
    getDungeon() {
        return this._dungeon;

     * Stores the coordinates of a tile that the user has selected. Useful
     * for changing views based on which tile the user is examining/hovering/ect
     * @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the tile
     * @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the tile
    setInspectedTile(x, y) {
        if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
            throw new Error('x and y must be numbers');
        this._inspectedTile = Object.freeze({
            x: +x,
            y: +y

     * Gets the tile set by {@link setInspectedTile}
     * @return {object} - An object with `x` and `y` properties
    getInspectedTile() {
        return this._inspectedTile;

     * Stores a reference to a targetted ability that the user
     * has considered using. This enables views to reference the selected
     * move while the user considers targets.
     * @param {number} index - The position of the chosen ability within
     * the player's ability list
    setTargettedAbility(index) {
        if(!Number.isInteger(+index)) {
            throw new Error('index must be an integer');
        this._targettedAbilityIndex = +index;

        const dungeon = this.getDungeon();
        const player = dungeon.getPlayableCharacter();
        const playerTile = dungeon.getTile(player);
        const ability = player.getAbility(index);

        if(!ability.isTargetted()) {
            throw new Error('Ability must be targetted');

        const potentialTargets = ability.isTargetCreature() ?
            player.getVisibleEnemies(dungeon).map((enemy) => dungeon.getTile(enemy)) :
            dungeon.getTiles((tile) => player.canSee(dungeon, tile));

        this._abilityTargets = potentialTargets.filter((tile) => {
            const move = new Moves.UseAbilityMove(playerTile, +index, tile.getX(), tile.getY());
            return !move.getReasonIllegal(dungeon, player, tile);

        if(this._abilityTargets.length === 0) {
            this._abilityTargets = null;


     * Forgets which targetted ability the user was considering using
    unsetTargettedAbility() {
        this._targettedAbilityIndex = null;
        this._abilityTargets = null;

     * Gets the index of the selected targetted ability, if any
     * @return {number} - The index of the targetted ability the user is
     * considering, or `null` if none has been selected
    getTargettedAbility() {
        return this._targettedAbilityIndex;

     * Gets the currently focused legal ability target
     * for the currently selected targetted ability, if any
     * @return {Tile} - A tile that is a legal target for the targetted
     * ability, or null if no ability is selected
    getAbilityTarget() {
        return this._abilityTargets && this._abilityTargets[0];

     * Stores a reference to a targetted item that the user
     * has considered using. This enables views to reference the selected
     * item while the user considers targets.
     * @param {number} index - The position of the chosen item within
     * the player's inventory slots.
    setTargettedItem(index) {
        if(!Number.isInteger(+index)) {
            throw new Error('index must be an integer');
        this._targettedItemIndex = +index;

        const dungeon = this.getDungeon();
        const player = dungeon.getPlayableCharacter();
        const playerTile = dungeon.getTile(player);
        const item = player.getInventory().getItem(index);

        if(!item.isTargetted()) {
            throw new Error('Item must be targetted');

        const potentialTargets = item.isTargetCreature() ?
            player.getVisibleEnemies(dungeon).map((enemy) => dungeon.getTile(enemy)) :
            dungeon.getTiles((tile) => player.canSee(dungeon, tile));

        this._itemTargets = potentialTargets.filter((tile) => {
            const move = new Moves.UseItemMove(playerTile, +index, tile);
            return !move.getReasonIllegal(dungeon, player);

        if(this._itemTargets.length === 0) {
            this._itemTargets = null;


     * Forgets which targetted item the user was considering using
    unsetTargettedItem() {
        this._targettedItemIndex = null;
        this._itemTargets = null;

     * Gets the index of the selected targetted item, if any
     * @return {number} - The index of the targetted item the user is
     * considering, or `null` if none has been selected
    getTargettedItem() {
        return this._targettedItemIndex;

     * Gets the currently focused legal item target
     * for the currently selected targetted item, if any
     * @return {Tile} - A tile that is a legal target for the targetted
     * item, or null if no item is selected
    getItemTarget() {
        return this._itemTargets && this._itemTargets[0];

     * Puts this controller in attack mode so that keyboard users
     * can select a target for an attack
    setAttackMode() {
        const dungeon = this.getDungeon();
        const player = dungeon.getPlayableCharacter();
        const playerTile = dungeon.getTile(player);
        this._attackTargets = player.getVisibleEnemies(dungeon)
            .filter((enemy) => {
                const tile = dungeon.getTile(enemy);
                const move = new Moves.AttackMove(playerTile, tile.getX(), tile.getY());
                return !move.getReasonIllegal(dungeon, player);
            }).map((enemy) => dungeon.getTile(enemy));
        if(this._attackTargets.length === 0) {
            this._attackTargets = null;

     * Returns this controller to the default mode (movement mode)
    unsetAttackMode() {
        this._attackTargets = null;

     * Gets the currently focused legal attack target
     * for the currently selected weapon, if any
     * @return {Tile} - A tile that is a legal target for the targetted
     * weapon, or null if no weapon is selected
    getAttackTarget() {
        return this._attackTargets && this._attackTargets[0];

     * Cycles focus to the next ability, attack, or item target depending
     * on what the user has selected
    cycleTarget(dx, dy) {
        const self = this;
        let arrayName, array;
        ['_abilityTargets', '_attackTargets', '_itemTargets'].forEach(function(name) {
            if(self[name]) {
                arrayName = name;
                array = self[name];
        if(typeof dx !== 'undefined') {
            const currentTarget = array[0];
            const newTarget = array.filter(function(tile) {
                return Math.sign(tile.getX() - currentTarget.getX()) === dx &&
                    Math.sign(tile.getY() - currentTarget.getY()) === dy;
            }).sort(function(tileA, tileB) {
                return currentTarget.getEuclideanDistance(tileA) - currentTarget.getEuclideanDistance(tileB);
            if(newTarget) {
                const index = array.indexOf(newTarget);
                this[arrayName] = array.slice(index).concat(array.slice(0, index));
        } else {

     * Dispatches an event to observers
    dispatchUIEvent(event) {