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 * Abstract base class for a pair of victory and defeat conditions.
 * Used for determining if a given game state represents
 * a win or loss (or neither) for the player. GameConditions should be stateless.
export default class GameConditions {
     * Tells if the player has won the game
     * @param {Dungeon} dungeon - The dungeon being played
     * @return {boolean} - `true` if the player has won; `false` otherwise
    hasPlayerWon(dungeon) {
        throw new Error('Abstract function not implemented');

     * Tells if the player has lost the game
     * @param {Dungeon} dungeon - The dungeon being played
     * @return {boolean} - `true` if the player has lost; `false` otherwise
    hasPlayerLost(dungeon) {
        return dungeon.getPlayableCharacter().isDead();