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You can directly use an instance of this class. skygearIoT

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

console: Console

A javascript console that outputs to the skygear server.

public get

Device-specific data

Method Summary

Public Methods

async initDevice(platform: Object): Promise

Binds SDK with provided platform, setup event handlers.


reportStatus(metadata: Object): *

Reports device status to the skygear server.

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

Public Members

public get console: Console source

A javascript console that outputs to the skygear server.

public get device: Object source

Device-specific data


device.id string
device.platform Object

See initialize method.

device.loginID string
device.pubsubChannel string

PubSub channel name for this device.

Public Methods

public async initDevice(platform: Object): Promise source

Binds SDK with provided platform, setup event handlers. Register this device with the current user if not registered

Note: This function must be called AFTER logging into skygear and you MUST ensure that the current user is not already registered with another device.


platform Object
platform.action Object

Object containing platform specific actions, all actions are optional if they do not apply to your platform.

platform.action.shutdown function
platform.action.restart function
platform.deviceSecret string

A string that is unique to the hardware, could be SoC model + serial number.

platform.appVersion string

Version string of the user application.



Resolves on complete, reject on error.

public reportStatus(metadata: Object): * source

Reports device status to the skygear server. This function is called automatically as requested by the server.


metadata Object
  • optional

Metadata to be saved with the status record

