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Static Public Summary

The promise object to override the mongoose promise object.


The host of the server of the database.


The name of the database.


Check if this instance of the API is the master.


pageSize: Integer

The amount of object show per page.


port: Integer

The port on which the API will run on.


The name of the server.


The path to the temprary directory.


workers: Integer

The amount of workers on the cluster.

Static Public

public Promise: Promise source

import {Promise} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The promise object to override the mongoose promise object. Default is global.Promise.

public dbHosts: Array source

import {dbHosts} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The host of the server of the database. Default is ['localhost'].

public dbName: String source

import {dbName} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The name of the database. Default is beerio.

public master: Boolean source

import {master} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

Check if this instance of the API is the master. Default is true.

public pageSize: Integer source

import {pageSize} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The amount of object show per page. Default is 25.

public port: Integer source

The port on which the API will run on. Default is 5000.

public server: String source

import {server} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The name of the server. Default is serv01.

public tempDir: String source

import {tempDir} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The path to the temprary directory. Default is ./tmp.

public workers: Integer source

import {workers} from 'beerio-api/src/config/constants.js'

The amount of workers on the cluster. Default is 2.