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 * Returns the first child element of parent (fall-back to document if not given)
 * matching the given selector.
 * @private
export function $$ (selector, parent) {
  if (typeof parent === 'string') {
    parent = $$(parent)
  parent = parent || document
  return parent.querySelector(selector)

 * Returns all child elements of parent (fall-back to document if not given)
 * matching the given selector as an array.
 * @private
export function $ (selector, parent) {
  if (typeof parent === 'string') {
    parent = $$(parent)
  parent = parent || document
  return [...parent.querySelectorAll(selector)]

 * Turns an HTML string into a DOM element.
 * The HTML markup must have a single root node not prepended by any whitespace.
 * @example 
 * var s = '<li>text</li>'
 * var el = C.HTML(s)
 * document.body.appendChild(el)
 * @private
export function HTML (html) {
  let div = document.createElement('div')
  div.innerHTML = html
  let element = div.firstChild
  return element

 * Inject HTML and CSS into the DOM.
 * @param html The html to inject at the end of the body element. Must have a single root node without surrounding whitespace.
 * @param css The CSS styles to inject at the end of the head element.
 * @private
export function inject (html, css) {
  // inject default template and CSS into DOM
  if (html) {
  if (css) {
    let style = document.createElement('style')
    style.type = 'text/css'
    if (style.styleSheet){
      style.styleSheet.cssText = css
    } else {

 * @private
export function fromTemplate (id) {
  let node = $$('#' + id)
  // browsers without <template> support don't wrap everything in .content
  if ('content' in node) {
    node = node.content
  return document.importNode(node, true).children[0]