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import StyleInfo from './StyleInfo.js'
import Declaration from './Declaration.js'
import { LayoutEffectingProperties } from './ComputedStyles.js'
AssignedStyles tracks programmatically (not via KSS) assigned styles for a node
Assigned styles are never overwritten by local (KSS defined) or inherited styles
class AssignedStyles {
	constructor(node) {
		this._node = node
		/** @type Map<string, StyleInfo> property -> style info */
		this._map = new Map()

	@param {string} property like 'font-size'
	@return {bool} true if the property is set
	has(property) {
		return this._map.has(property)

	@param {string} property like 'font-size'
	@return {StyleInfo}
	get(property) {
		return this._map.get(property) || null

	@param {string} property like 'font-size'
	@return {bool} true if property existed
	delete(property) {
		this._node.styles.stylesAreDirty = true
		if (LayoutEffectingProperties.includes(property)) {
		return this._map.delete(property)

	@param {string} property like 'font-size'
	@param {string} value like '2em'
	@param {bool} important
	set(property, value, important = false) {
		const declaration = new Declaration({
			value: value,
			property: property,
			important: important
		this._map.set(property, new StyleInfo(declaration))
		this._node.styles.stylesAreDirty = true
		if (LayoutEffectingProperties.includes(property)) {

	get infos() {
		return this._map.values()

	/** Iterate over the {StyleInfo}s */
	*[Symbol.iterator]() {
		for (const styleInfo of this._map.values()) {
			yield styleInfo

	log(showVars = false) {
		for (const styleInfo of this) {
			if (showVars === false && styleInfo.property.startsWith('--')) continue

export default AssignedStyles