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Functions that generate Document Object Model (DOM) elements like dom.div(...) will live in el
const dom = {}
export default dom

domElementFunction is the behind the scenes logic for the functions like dom.div(...)
Below you will find the loop that uses domElementFunction
dom.domElementFunction = function(tagName, ...params) {
	// Create a boring DOM element
	const element = document.createElement(tagName)

	// A convenience function to allow chaining like `let fooDiv = dom.div().appendTo(document.body)`
	element.appendTo = function(parent) {
		return this

	// if element.parentElement exists, call removeChild(element) on it
	element.remove = function() {
		if (this.parentElement) {
		return this

	// A convenience function to allow appending strings, dictionaries of attributes, arrays of subchildren, or children
	element.append = function(child = null) {
		if (child === null) {
		if (typeof child === 'string') {
		} else if (Array.isArray(child)) {
			for (const subChild of child) {
			// If it's an object but not a DOM element, consider it a dictionary of attributes
		} else if (typeof child === 'object' && typeof child.nodeType === 'undefined') {
			for (const key in child) {
				if (child.hasOwnProperty(key) == false) {
				this.setAttribute(key, child[key])
		} else {
		return this

	element.documentPosition = function() {
		return dom.documentOffset(this)

	Sort element.children *in place* using the comparator function
	See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort for an explanation of the comparator function
	element.sort = function(comparator = dom.defaultComparator) {
		// Populate the holding array while removing children from the DOM
		const holdingArray = []
		while (this.children.length > 0) {
		for (const child of holdingArray) {
		return this

	// Sort element.children *in place* using child[attributeName] and the comparator function
	element.sortByAttribute = function(attributeName, comparator = dom.defaultComparator) {
		this.sort((el1, el2) => {
			return comparator(el1.getAttribute(attributeName), el2.getAttribute(attributeName))
		return this

	// Convenience functions to add and remove classes from this element without duplication
	element.addClass = function(...classNames) {
		const classAttribute = this.getAttribute('class') || ''
		const classes = classAttribute === '' ? [] : classAttribute.split(/\s+/)
		for (const className of classNames) {
			if (classes.indexOf(className) === -1) {
		this.setAttribute('class', classes.join(' '))
		return this
	element.removeClass = function(...classNames) {
		const classAttribute = this.getAttribute('class') || ''
		const classes = classAttribute === '' ? [] : classAttribute.split(/\s+/)
		for (const className of classNames) {
			const index = classes.indexOf(className)
			if (index !== -1) {
				classes.splice(index, 1)
		if (classes.length === 0) {
		} else {
			this.setAttribute('class', classes.join(' '))
		return this

	// Append the children parameters
	for (const child of params) {
	return element

// This comparator stringifies the passed values and returns the comparison of those values
dom.defaultComparator = function(el1, el2) {
	if (el1 === el2) return 0
	const str1 = '' + el1
	const str2 = '' + el2
	if (str1 == str2) return 0
	if (str1 < str2) return -1
	return 1

// Traverse the document tree to calculate the offset in the entire document of this element
dom.documentOffset = function(element) {
	let left = 0
	let top = 0
	const findPos = function(obj) {
		left += obj.offsetLeft
		top += obj.offsetTop
		if (obj.offsetParent) {
	return [left, top]

The tag names that will be used to generate all of the element generating functions like dom.div(...) and dom.button(...)
These names were ovingly copied from the excellent Laconic.js 
@see https://github.com/joestelmach/laconic/blob/master/laconic.js
dom.TAGS = [

// This loop generates the element generating functions like dom.div(...)
for (const tag of dom.TAGS) {
	const innerTag = tag
	dom[innerTag] = function(...params) {
		return dom.domElementFunction(innerTag, ...params)

const CookieValueRegularExpressionParts = ['(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)', '\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$']

dom.getCookie = function(cookieName) {
	const cookieRegExp = new RegExp(
	return document.cookie.replace(cookieRegExp, '$1')

dom.setCookie = function(cookieName, value) {
	document.cookie = `${encodeURIComponent(cookieName)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`

dom.removeCookie = function(cookieName) {
	document.cookie = `${encodeURIComponent(cookieName)}=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT`