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import dom from './DOM.js'
import som from './SOM.js'
import EventHandler from './EventHandler.js'
import AudioManager from './AudioManager.js'
import DisplayModeTracker from './DisplayModeTracker.js'

import TextInputReceiver from './input/TextInputReceiver.js'

`Component` contains the reactive logic for a responsive UI element.

`Component` supports all three display modes on the wider web: flat, portal, and immersive. It help create and manage UI controls in pages, overlaid on top of portal displays, and inside 3D spatial scenes.

'Component' responds to the many wider web input hardware types (tracked wands, hand gestures, voice commands, keyboards, mice, touch, etc) by reacting to actions generated by the Mozilla Action-input library.

@see https://potassiumes.org/wider-web/ a quick intro to the wider web, now with illustrations!

The two ways that `Component` represents controls are via the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Spatial Object Model (SOM).

Using the DOM is pretty much the same as in any other web app framework. There's a helper in DOM.js that provides a fast chaining API for creating DOM trees.

The SOM is a tree of nodes like the DOM but instead of `HTMLElement`s the nodes are `THREE.Object3D`s that represent 3D elements. These could be meshes, particle systems, nurbs... pretty much anything that a 3D engine can render. There's a helper in SOM.js that provides a fast chaining API for creating SOM trees.

Flat display mode is the original web, displayed on PC screens and handheld screens.

A flat display's page controls are represented in `Component` by a DOM hierarchy named `Component.flatDOM`.

Portal display mode is for "magic window" or "aquarium" configurations.

The most common portal display is a handheld screen that looks into a real or virtual space.

A stationary wall screen could also be a portal, changing the view by tracking the user's eyes.

Portal display mode in a `Component` has two main parts:

- a Three.js scene graph for spatial controls and environment objects named `Component.portalDOM`
- a DOM hierarchy that is laid on top of the 3D scene named `Component.portalSOM`

Immersive display mode is for displays that you wear on your face:

- an opaque head mounted display for VR
- a opaque head mounted display with pass-through cameras for AR
- see-through glasses for AR

(and everything in between)

Immersive display mode in a `Component` is represented by a Three.js scene graph named `Component.immersiveSOM`

Components may also register themselves to accept text input actions by setting `Component.acceptsTextInputFocus` to true
By default, if the component accepts text input actions and receives an `/action/activate` with a value of true then it will set
itself as the global text input focus by setting `Component.TextInputFocus` to point to itself.
const Component = class extends EventHandler {
	@param {DataObject} [dataObject]
	@param {Object} [options]
	@param {HTMLElement} [options.flatDOM]
	@param {HTMLElement} [options.portalDOM]
	@param {THREE.Object3D} [options.portalSOM]
	@param {THREE.Object3D} [options.immersiveSOM]
	@param {string} [options.name=null] = if not null, use Component.setName with the value
	@param {boolean} [options.usesFlat=true] - if set to false the flatDOM will be hidden
	@param {boolean} [options.usesPortalOverlay=true] - if set to false the portalDOM will be hidden
	@param {boolean} [options.usesPortalSpatial=true] - if set to false the portalSOM will be hidden
	@param {boolean} [options.usesImmersive=true] - if set to false the immersiveSOM is hidden
	@param {string} [options.activationAnchor=null] if defined, activating this Component will change the document.href.location to this URL
	constructor(dataObject = null, options = {}, inheritedOptions = {}) {
		this.dataObject = dataObject // a DataModel or DataCollection
		this.options = Object.assign(
				usesFlat: true,
				flatDOM: null,

				usesPortalOverlay: true,
				portalDOM: null,

				usesPortalSpatial: true,
				portalSOM: null,

				name: null,

				usesImmersive: true,
				immersiveSOM: null,

				activationAnchor: null
		this.focus = this.focus.bind(this)
		this.blur = this.blur.bind(this)

		this.cleanedUp = false

		// See the Binder class below for info
		this._binder = new Binder(this)

		/** One Component at a time may accept text input focus */
		this._acceptsTextInputFocus = false

		// Set up the DOM hierarchies and Three.js scene graphs for the three display modes:

		// Flat display mode elements for page controls
		this._flatDOM = this.options.flatDOM || dom.div()
		this._flatDOM.component = this
			'dom', // dom (Document Object Model) is set on both flat and portal DOM elements
		if (this.usesFlat === false) {

		// Portal display mode elements for overlay controls
		this._portalDOM = this.options.portalDOM || dom.div()
		this._portalDOM.component = this
			'dom', // dom (Document Object Model) is set on both flat and portal DOM elements
		if (this.options.usesPortalOverlay === false) {

		// Portal display mode 3D graph for spatial controls
		this._portalSOM = this.options.portalSOM || som.group()
		this._portalSOM.component = this
			'som', // som (Spatial Object Model) is set on both portal-dom and immersive-som
		if (this.options.usesPortalSpatial === false) {
			this._portalSOM.visible = false

		// Immersive display mode 3D graph for spatial controls
		this._immersiveSOM = this.options.immersiveSOM || som.group()
		this._immersiveSOM.component = this
			'som', // som (Spatial Object Model) is set on both portal-som and immersive-som
		if (this.options.usesImmersive === false) {
			this._immersiveSOM.visible = false

		// All Components are selectable by the 'component' class

		if (this.options.name) {

		this.listenTo('focus', this._flatDOM, this.focus)
		this.listenTo('blur', this._flatDOM, this.blur)
		this.listenTo('focus', this._portalDOM, this.focus)
		this.listenTo('blur', this._portalDOM, this.blur)


	Called to dispose of any resources used by this component.
	Extending classes *should* override and call cleanup on sub-Components.
	cleanup() {
		if (this.cleanedUp) return
		this.cleanedUp = true
		return this

	inherited options that should be passed into children Components like so:

		this._childComponent = new Component(

	The main function of the inherited options is to pass down the information of whether to use each display mode.
	This will make your application faster by giving Components the ability to save a lot of memory and processing time when entire display modes like immersive aren't wanted.

	@type {Object}
	get inheritedOptions() {
		return {
			usesFlat: this.options.usesFlat,
			usesPortalOverlay: this.options.usesPortalOverlay,
			usesPortalSpatial: this.options.usesPortalSpatial,
			usesImmersive: this.options.usesImmersive

	/* @type {DisplayModeTracker} */
	get displayModeTracker() {
		return DisplayModeTracker.Singleton

	/* @type {string} - App.FLAT, App.PORTAL, or App.IMMERSIVE */
	get currentDisplayMode() {
		return DisplayModeTracker.Singleton.currentDisplayMode

	Called when the containing App changes display mode: App.FLAT, App.PORTAL, or App.IMMERSIVE
	Ancestors of this class should override this to react to state changes or just read this.currentDisplayMode to make choices
	handleDisplayModeChange(eventName, mode, displayModeTracker) {}

	/** @type {string} a URL to navigate to when this `Component` receives an `activate` action */
	get activationAnchor() {
		return this.options.activationAnchor || null
	/** @type {string} a URL to navigate to when this `Component` recieves as `activate` action */
	set activationAnchor(value) {
		this.options.activationAnchor = value

	Called when an action is targeted at a Component
	handleAction(actionName, active, value, actionParameters, filterParameters, inputSource) {
		if (actionName === '/action/activate' && active === true) {
			if (typeof this.options.activationAnchor === 'string') {
				document.location.href = this.options.activationAnchor
		this.trigger(Component.ActionEvent, actionName, active, value, actionParameters, filterParameters, inputSource)
		if (actionName === '/action/text-input' && active && this === Component.TextInputFocus) {
			this.trigger(Component.TextInputEvent, value)

	/** @type {HTMLElement} */
	get flatDOM() {
		return this._flatDOM
	/** @type {HTMLElement} */
	get portalDOM() {
		return this._portalDOM
	/** @type {THREE.Object3D} */
	get portalSOM() {
		return this._portalSOM
	/** @type {THREE.Object3D} */
	get immersiveSOM() {
		return this._immersiveSOM

	// helper methods to eliminate boilerplate when testing various mode usages
	get usesFlat() {
		return this.options.usesFlat
	get usesPortal() {
		return this.options.usesPortalOverlay || this.options.usesPortalSpatial
	get usesPortalOverlay() {
		return this.options.usesPortalOverlay
	get usesPortalSpatial() {
		return this.options.usesPortalSpatial
	get usesImmersive() {
		return this.options.usesImmersive
	get usesDOM() {
		return this.usesFlat || this.usesPortalOverlay
	get usesSOM() {
		return this.options.usesPortalSpatial || this.options.usesImmersive

	get usesValues() {
		return {
			usesFlat: this.options.usesFlat,
			usesPortalOverlay: this.options.usesPortalOverlay,
			usesPortalSpatial: this.options.usesPortalSpatial,
			usesImmersive: this.options.usesImmersive

	True if action-input text actions are accepted by this Component 
	@type {boolean}
	get acceptsTextInputFocus() {
		return this._acceptsTextInputFocus
	/** @type {boolean} */
	set acceptsTextInputFocus(bool) {
		if (this._acceptsTextInputFocus === bool) return
		this._acceptsTextInputFocus = bool
		if (this._acceptsTextInputFocus === false && this === Component.TextInputFocus) {
			Component.TextInputFocus = null

	/** Call to set this to the text input focus */
	focus() {
		if (this._acceptsTextInputFocus === false) return false
		Component.TextInputFocus = this
		return this

	/** Call to remove this from text input focus */
	blur() {
		if (Component.TextInputFocus !== this) return
		Component.TextInputFocus = null
		return this

	/** @type {boolean} */
	get hasFocus() {
		return this === Component._TextInputFocus

	appendComponent adds the childComponent's flatDOM, portalDOM, portalSOM, and immersiveSOM to this Component's equivalent attributes.
	Note, it is sensitive to the uses* options and will not append the child to specific DOM and SOM trees if a specific display mode is not used.
	@param {Component} childComponent
	appendComponent(childComponent) {
		if (this.options.usesFlat && childComponent.usesFlat) this._flatDOM.appendChild(childComponent.flatDOM)
		if (this.options.usesPortalOverlay && childComponent.usesPortalOverlay)
		if (this.options.usesPortalSpatial && childComponent.usesPortalSpatial)
		if (this.options.usesImmersive && childComponent.usesImmersive) this._immersiveSOM.add(childComponent.immersiveSOM)
		return this
	removeComponent removes the childComponent's flatDOM, portalDOM, portalSOM, and immersiveSOM from this Component's equivalent attributes.
	@param {Component} childComponent
	removeComponent(childComponent) {
		if (this.options.usesFlat && childComponent.usesFlat) this._flatDOM.removeChild(childComponent.flatDOM)
		if (this.options.usesPortalOverlay && childComponent.usesPortalOverlay)
		if (this.options.usesPortalSpatial && childComponent.usesPortalSpatial)
		if (this.options.usesImmersive && childComponent.usesImmersive)
		return this

	A handy method for quick creation and setting of a parent:
	this._fooComponent = new FooComponent().appendTo(parentComponent)
	@param {Component} parentComponent
	appendTo(parentComponent) {
		return this

	Sets the name attribute on portal and immersive graphs as well as the data-name attribute on flatDOM and portalDOM
	setName(name) {
		this._flatDOM.setAttribute('data-name', name)
		this._portalDOM.setAttribute('data-name', name)
		this._portalSOM.name = name
		this._immersiveSOM.name = name
		return this

	add class attributes to both flat and portal DOM elements
	@param {string[]} classNames
	addClass(...classNames) {
		return this

	remove class attributes to both flat and portal DOM elements
	@param {string[]} classNames
	removeClass(...classNames) {
		return this

	hides the flatDOM, portalDOM, portalSOM, and immersiveSOM if their `uses*` option was true
	hide() {
		if (this.usesPortalSpatial) {
			this.portalSOM.styles.assignedStyles.set('display', 'none')
		if (this.usesImmersive) {
			this.immersiveSOM.styles.assignedStyles.set('display', 'none')
		return this

	shows the flatDOM, portalDOM, portalSOM, and immersiveSOM if their `uses*` option was true
	show() {
		if (this.usesPortalSpatial) {
		if (this.usesImmersive) {
		return this

	Listen to a DOM or Component event.
	For example:
		this.buttonDOM = dom.button()
		this.listenTo('click', this.buttonDOM, this.handleClick)

		this.textComponent = new TextComponent(...)
		this.listenTo(Component.TextInputEvent, this.textComponent, (eventName, ...params) => { ... })

	@param {string} eventName
	@param {HTMLElement or EventHandler} target
	@param {function} callback
	@param {function} context
	listenTo(eventName, target, callback, context = null) {
		this._binder.listenTo(eventName, target, callback, context)

	@param {string} dataField
	@param {HTMLElement or Object3D} target
	@param {function} formatter
	@param {DataModel} dataModel
	bindText(dataField, target, formatter = null, dataModel = this.dataObject) {
		this._binder.bindText(dataField, target, formatter, dataModel)

	Set the attributeName attribute of target DOM or SOM to the value of dataModel.get(dataField) as it changes
	formatter defaults to the identity function but can be any function that accepts the value and returns a string

	@param {string} dataField
	@param {HTMLElement or Object3D} target
	@param {string} attributeName
	@param {function} formatter
	@param {DataModel} dataModel
	bindAttribute(dataField, target, attributeName, formatter = null, dataModel = this.dataObject) {
		this._binder.bindAttribute(dataField, target, attributeName, formatter, dataModel)

	Updates classes based on activationAnchor and focus 
	_updateClasses() {
		if (this.hasFocus) {
		} else {
		if (this.activationAnchor) {
		} else {

	/** @type {Component} */
	static get TextInputFocus() {
		return Component._TextInputFocus
	/** @type {Component} */
	static set TextInputFocus(component) {
		if (component === Component._TextInputFocus) return
		if (component && !component.acceptsTextInputFocus) return
		const blurredComponent = Component._TextInputFocus
		Component._TextInputFocus = component
		if (blurredComponent) {
			blurredComponent.trigger(Component.BlurEvent, blurredComponent)
		if (component) {
			component.trigger(Component.FocusEvent, component)

	/** @type {AudioManager} */
	static get AudioManager() {
		return Component._AudioManager

	/** @type {TextInputReceiver} */
	static get TextInputReceiver() {
		return Component._TextInputReceiver

/** a set of THREE data structures used often enough to merit re-use */
const _workingBox3_1 = som.box3()
const _workingVector3_1 = som.vector3()
const _workingMatrix4_1 = som.matrix4()
const _workingMatrix4_2 = som.matrix4()
const _workingMatrix4_3 = som.matrix4()

/** The Component that should receive text input because it is in focus */
Component._TextInputFocus = null

/** Components all share one {@link AudioManager}, retrieved by Component.AudioManager */
Component._AudioManager = new AudioManager()

/** Components all share one {@link TextInputReceiver} that they use to send text commands to the action-input system. */
Component._TextInputReceiver = new TextInputReceiver()

/* Events */
Component.ActionEvent = 'component-action-event'
Component.TextInputEvent = 'component-text-input-event'
Component.FocusEvent = 'component-focus-event'
Component.BlurEvent = 'component-blur-event'

Binder listens for events on {@link EventHandler}s or DOM elements and changes characteristics of an HTMLElement or Component in response.
This is part of what makes a Component "reactive".
const Binder = class {
	constructor(component) {
		this._component = component
		this._boundCallbacks = [] // { callback, dataObject } to be unbound during cleanup
		this._eventCallbacks = [] // { callback, eventName, target } to be unregistered during cleanup
	cleanup() {
		for (const bindInfo of this._boundCallbacks) {
		for (const info of this._eventCallbacks) {
			if (info.target instanceof EventHandler) {
				info.target.removeListener(info.callback, info.eventName)
			} else {
				info.target.removeEventListener(info.eventName, info.callback)

	Listen to a DOM or EventHandler event.
	For example:
		this.buttonDOM = dom.button()
		this.listenTo('click', this.buttonDOM, this.handleClick)

		this.textComponent = new TextComponent(...)
		this.listenTo(Component.TextInputEvent, this.textComponent, (eventName, ...params) => { ... })

	@param {string} eventName
	@param {HTMLElement or EventHandler} target
	@param {function} callback
	@param {function} context
	listenTo(eventName, target, callback, context = null) {
		const boundCallback = context === null ? callback : callback.bind(context)
		const info = {
			eventName: eventName,
			target: target,
			originalCallback: callback,
			context: context,
			callback: boundCallback
		if (target instanceof EventHandler) {
			target.addListener(info.callback, eventName)
		} else {
			target.addEventListener(eventName, info.callback)

	@param {string} dataField
	@param {HTMLElement or Object3D} target
	@param {function} formatter
	@param {DataModel} dataModel
	bindText(dataField, target, formatter = null, dataModel = this._component.dataObject) {
		if (formatter === null) {
			formatter = value => {
				if (value === null) return ''
				if (typeof value === 'string') return value
				return '' + value
		const callback = () => {
			const result = formatter(dataModel.get(dataField))
			if (target.isObject3D) {
				target.text = typeof result === 'string' ? result : ''
			} else {
				target.innerText = typeof result === 'string' ? result : ''
		dataModel.addListener(callback, `changed:${dataField}`)
			callback: callback,
			dataObject: dataModel

	Set the attributeName attribute of target DOM or SOM to the value of dataModel.get(dataField) as it changes
	formatter defaults to the identity function but can be any function that accepts the value and returns a string

	@param {string} dataField
	@param {HTMLElement or Object3D} target
	@param {string} attributeName
	@param {function} formatter
	@param {DataModel} dataModel
	bindAttribute(dataField, target, attributeName, formatter = null, dataModel = this._component.dataObject) {
		if (formatter === null) {
			formatter = value => {
				if (value === null) return ''
				if (typeof value === 'string') return value
				return '' + value
		const callback = () => {
			if (target.isObject3D) {
				target.attributes.set(attributeName, formatter(dataModel.get(dataField)))
			} else {
				target.setAttribute(attributeName, formatter(dataModel.get(dataField)))
		dataModel.addListener(callback, `changed:${dataField}`)
			callback: callback,
			dataObject: dataModel

export default Component