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import Stylesheet from 'potassium-es/src/style/Stylesheet.js'
public class | source


Stylesheet is initialized with KSS data JSON emitted by postcss-potassium. It holds the parsed data used to apply styles to a Three.js scene.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(kssData: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

data: *

public get

The Stylist sets this to the index in the load order the stylesheet Used to break ties in cascade precedence

public set
public get

raw: *

Method Summary

Public Methods

Public Constructors

public constructor(kssData: Object) source


kssData Object

the style JSON emitted by postcss-potassium

Public Members

public get data: * source

public get loadIndex: * source

The Stylist sets this to the index in the load order the stylesheet Used to break ties in cascade precedence

public set loadIndex source

public get raw: * source

Public Methods

public updateLocalStyles(node: *) source


node *