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potassium-es/src/Component~Component → MastheadComponent

MastheadComponent contains:

  • a brand Component
  • a navigation MenuComponent
  • a ModeSwitcherComponent

In flat mode, this will be a bar at the top of the page. In portal mode, it will be a UI element in the top left of the window. In immersive mode, it will be a nifty utility object that floats near the user.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(dataObject: DataObject, options: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

navigationMenu: NavigationMenu

Public Constructors

public constructor(dataObject: DataObject, options: Object) source


dataObject DataObject
  • optional
options Object
options.brand string or Component

the main title

options.brandAnchor string

an activation URL for the brand

options.menuItems Object[]
options.menuItems.name string
options.menuItems.anchor string

Public Members

public get navigationMenu: NavigationMenu source