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potassium-es/src/Component~Component → CubeComponent

CubeComponent is mostly used as a base class for Components that are some sort of cube.

For example, the VideoComponent is a cube that shows a video so it extends CubeComponent and adds its own methods for controlling the video.

The flat and portal display of this is just an unstyled div, so extending classes will need to style and populate those DOM elements.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(dataObject: DataObject, options: Object)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

immersiveCube: THREE.BoxBufferedGeometry?

public get

material: THREE.Material?

public set

material(mat: THREE.Material)

public get

portalCube: THREE.BoxBufferedGeometry?

Method Summary

Public Methods

setCubeSides(x: *, y: *, z: *)

Public Constructors

public constructor(dataObject: DataObject, options: Object) source


dataObject DataObject
  • optional
options Object
  • optional
options.material THREE.Material
  • optional

Public Members

public get immersiveCube: THREE.BoxBufferedGeometry? source

public get material: THREE.Material? source

public set material(mat: THREE.Material) source

public get portalCube: THREE.BoxBufferedGeometry? source

Public Methods

public setCubeSides(x: *, y: *, z: *) source


x *
y *
z *